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The "rabbit" bounded forty feet out of his hands! When Snead's grounder nearly tore the third baseman's leg off; when Bane's hit proved as elusive as a flitting shadow; when Lake's liner knocked the pitcher flat, and Doran's fly leaped high out of the center fielder's glove then those earnest, simple, country ballplayers realized something was wrong.

"You won't fight?" said Meehaul, with mingled rage and scorn. "No," replied the other, "I won't fight you." A murmur of "shame" and "coward" was heard from those who had been drawn together by their quarrel. "Dher ma chorp," they exclaimed with astonishment, "but Lamh Laudher's afeard of him! the garran bane's in him, now that he finds he has met his match."

Then, too, the young man realized that Louise Grayling had not given him the least encouragement to lead him to believe that she thought of him at all. At this moment her preference for Bane's society seemed marked. Already Cecile had rasped Lawford regarding the leading man's attentions to Louise. Lawford could not face the taunting glances of Marian and Prue.

As the light of a street lamp shining through the window fell upon him, Billie uttered an exclamation. "Why, it's Bruce Nellie Bane's collie," she cried. "How in the world did he ever get in? Come here, Bruce, old boy, and explain yourself." Obediently Bruce went over to her and laid a cold muzzle in her hand, his soft eyes looking lovingly into her face.

He drew a long breath, for it was a somewhat delicate and difficult, being a duplicate, manoeuvre! Pressing down the branch very slowly and with exceeding care, he guided the egg into Bane's mouth. He observed the precise moment when it touched the sleeper's tongue, and then exploded a yell into Dougall's ear that nearly burst the tympanum. Bane's jaws shut with a snap instantly.

Deerfoot Browning was leading the league in base running, and as his legs were all bruised and scraped by sliding, a manager who was not an idiot would have a care of such valuable runmakers for his team. Lake had "Charley-horse." Hathaway's arm was sore. Bane's stomach threatened gastritis. Spike Doran's finger needed a chance to heal.

With the noiseless motion of a redskin he wormed his way through the underwood until close alongside of the nocturnal visitor, and then suddenly stopped a howl of more than demoniac ferocity by clapping a hand on Salamander's mouth. With a convulsive wriggle the youth freed his mouth, and uttered a shriek of genuine alarm, but Bane's strong arm pinned him to the earth.

That might mean a scandal in New York, but at home it means relatives. Poor old Jedson Bane's back, I see. Looks pretty bad. Hospital didn't help him. Guess he's not long for us. Hello, Jed, old man! How are you? Better? That's fine. You're looking great! For the love of Mike, will you take a swift look at what's got off? I believe it's from college.

Neither of them saw that Lawford was watching the little group on shore and that when Bane and the girl turned toward the store the young man looked after them with gloomy visage. The girl's replies to Bane's observation were most inconsequential. Her mind was upon Lawford and his condition.

On the day this happened, there were three dead children in the clachan, and a panic and consternation spread about the burial of them when James Bane's insurrection was known, which made both me and the session glad to hush up the affair, that the heart of the public might have no more than the sufferings of individuals to hurt it. Thus ended a year, on many accounts, heavy to be remembered.