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But since you're a bunch of sky pilots at the Slash Lazy D, I'll withdraw anything that hurts yore tender feelin's." "Are you takin' back what you said about about her?" Bob demanded harshly. Bandy's smouldering, sullen eyes slid round. "I'm takin' it back. Didn't you hear me say I don' know a thing about her? I know Houck, though. So I judged " He spat a loose tooth out on the floor venomously.

At last, however, he turned to the Colorado boy and observed: "Pardner, I reckon you'd better drive on with these tenderfeet before I drop them over the cliff. They spoil the view. Ye know where Bandy's Gulch is?" "Sure," nodded the Colorado boy. "Ye'll find the railroad outfit jest about a mile west o' there, camped close to the main trail."

"I'm talkin' to you." Slowly, reluctantly, Bob rose. He did not want to move. Something stronger than his will lifted him out of the bed and dragged him across the floor. He knew his hands were trembling. Malignant triumph rode in Bandy's eye. It was always safe to bully this timid youth. Dud Hollister had a "No Trespass" sign displayed in his quiet, cool manner. Very well.

Every ither nicht they've been ether i' the washin'-hoose or i' the garret; an' Sandy's been gaen aboot scorin' a' the doors wi' kauk, an' makin' rings an' lines like railroads an' so on a' ower them. "What's this you an' Bandy's up till noo?" I says to Sandy the ither mornin', juist when we were sittin' at oor brakfast.

In summer he wears beautiful shades of reddish brown and gray, but in winter his coat is wholly white. He is also called the Hudson Bay Lemming. "Danny Meadow Mouse thinks his tail is short, but he wouldn't if he should see Bandy's tail. That is so short it hardly shows beyond his long fur.

You ol' son-of-a-gun of a lady-killer!" Bud Lee swung about upon his heel to glare at Bandy. But suddenly conscious of a flush creeping up hotly under his tan, he turned his back and strode away to the house. Bandy's "haw, haw!" followed him. Lee's face was flaming when he entered the office. "What do you want with me?" he said shortly, angered at Bandy, Judith Sanford and himself.

Noo, lat's see ye!" Sandy took the bottle lid, an' sat doon wi't in's hand, an' stared at it like's he was lookin' doon intil a draw-wall. A' the billies sat roond starin' at Sandy, an' Bandy maleengered aboot, playin' capers wi' his airms, an' dancin' like some daft man. Ye cudda tied the lot o' them wi' a string, they were that taen up wi' Bandy's capers.

"I dunno as you could rightly call it a fight," Dud drawled. "Bob he hammered Bandy, tromped on him, chewed him up, an' spit him out. He was plumb active for about five minutes." "What was the trouble?" "Bandy's one o' these mean bullies. He figured he could run on Bob. The boy took it meek an' humble for a week or so before he settled with Bandy generous an' handsome.