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While I was at Turin, a milliner, Perouse's mistress, feeling herself in 'articulo mortis', swallowed the portrait of her lover instead of the Eucharist. This incident made me compose two sonnets, which pleased me a good deal at the time, and with which I am still satisfied.

"Our statutes are opposed to this precipitation, unless in the case of a penitent in articulo mortis on the very gasp of death should such a person consider it necessary for his salvation to die in the habit of our Order, and leave us all his wealth for the greater glory of the Lord." "And is M. Hardy in so dangerous a condition, father?" "He has a violent fever.

She replied, bursting into tears, "that she would rather die than lose one iota of his love; that she would die as she had lived, since luckily she could make a man embrace her when such was her desire without having to put her request into words." Here it must be stated that the cardinal of Ragusa had given her as a present an article, which this holy joker called in articulo mortis.

Copeland continued to survey the walls and very antiquated defences, observing that there could have been few alarms there. This lasted till the rites in the sick-room were ended, and the priest came forth. "Sir," he said to Copeland, "you will pardon the young lady. Her mother is in articulo mortis, and she cannot leave her." "I would not disturb her," said Leonard.

"Respect yourself more. Don't kneel to me, fie for shame!" "Wilt thou have a dispensation in articulo mortis? Wilt thou have my fortune or better still, a bit of the veritable true Cross? Wilt thou?" "This evening, all the wealth of heaven above and earth beneath would not buy my heart," said she, laughing.

"Yes, Eccellenza, when those fools the honest men are asleep, we are wide awake." "Oh, Rinaldo, all I possess shall be yours; we will share my treasure like brothers; I would give you everything even to my Duchy " "Eccellenza, procure from the Pope an absolution in articulo mor- tis. It would be of more use to me in my walk of life." "What you will.

She leaned on the rail and looked down, meanwhile trying softly to draw away up-stairs; but her friend held on to one hand and murmured: "Just one question, dearie, just one. I'll not ask another: I'll die first. You'll probably find me in articulo mortis when you come down-stairs. Just one question, lovie." "W'at it is?" "It's nothing but this; I ask for information."

You'll go to purgatory." "Well, I'll know how to get out," answered Brother Pedro with sublime confidence. "How many souls have I saved from the flames! How many saints have I made! Besides, even in articulo mortis I can still earn, if I wish, at least seven plenary indulgences and shall be able to save others as I die." So saying, he strode proudly away.

When they are fairly past, and have disappeared into the gloom, the shadowy shapes all rise from their knees, and follow the direction with eyes and ears, and a distinct, ominous murmur passes through the whole village, for clearly François Le Brun is in articulo mortis.

So that religious belief, considered as a regulator of social conduct, is at once superfluous for honorable people and altogether ineffective for those who are not honorable, if indeed it is not capable of increasing the propensity to evil by developing religious fanaticism or giving rise to the hope of pardon in the confessional or of absolution in articulo mortis, etc.