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If you are relating or reading anything, or arguing any point, be brief, particularly when the subject is of small importance, or if you detect weariness in the listeners. 81st. Be not Curious to Know the Affairs of Others neither approach to those that Speak in Private Chapter vii. 24. Ne témoignez pas de curiosité dans les affaires d'autruy, & ne vous approchez l

Demonologie ou Traitte des Demons et Sorciers: De leur puissance et impuissance: Par Fr. Perraud. Ensemble L'Antidemon de Mascon, ou Histoire Veritable de ce qu'un Demon a fait et dit, il y a quelques annees en la maison dudit Sr. Perreaud a Mascon. I. Jacques iv. 7, 8. "Resistez au Diable, et il s'enfuira de vous. Approchez vous de Dieu, et il s'approchera de vous." A Geneve, chez Pierre Aubert.

Then he sped away to the southeast and, crossing the channel, passed between Amiens and Rouen and reached Paris before ten o'clock. Near the outskirts of the city appeared a high tower, upon the flat roof of which a man was engaged in adjusting a telescope. Upon seeing Rob, who was passing at no great distance from this tower, the man cried out: "APPROCHEZ! VENEZ ICI!"

"No sham if you please, madame speak! What the devil have you done with the money?" "Really, sir," said Monsieur Goupille, drawing tip his cravat, "this is very extraordinary conduct! What have you got to say to this lady's money? it is my money now, sir!" "Oho! it is, is it? We'll soon see that. Approchez donc, Monsieur Favart, faites votre devoir."

In Speaking to men of Quality do not lean nor Look them full in the Face, nor approach too near them at lest Keep a full Pace from them. Chapter iii. 18. En parlant aux personnes qualifiées, ne vous appuyez point le corps; ne leuez point vos yeux iusques sur leur visage; ne vous en approchez pas trop prés, & faites en sorte que ce ne soit iamais qu'

While you are talking, Point not with your Finger at him of Whom you Discourse nor Approach too near him to whom you talk especially to his face Chapter vi. 17. Ne montrez point au doigt la personne dont vous parlez, & ne vous approchez point trop prés de celuy que vous entretenez, non plus que de son visage,

"No sham if you please, madame speak! What the devil have you done with the money?" "Really, sir," said Monsieur Goupille, drawing tip his cravat, "this is very extraordinary conduct! What have you got to say to this lady's money? it is my money now, sir!" "Oho! it is, is it? We'll soon see that. Approchez donc, Monsieur Favart, faites votre devoir."