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"Now, August," she said very calmly, "I want you to tell me-ich wunsche Sie zu mir sagen what other lady wass andere Dame these flowers belonged to diese Blumen gehorte zu. Verstehen Sie?"

Till then it had been a lifeless, meaningless bunch of flowers, which some one, for no motive, had tossed up on that dusty shelf in the closet. At August's smile it became something else. Still she asked lightly enough, "Was ist loss, August?" His smile deepened and broadened. "Fur die Andere," he explained. Agatha demanded in English, "What do you mean by feardy ondery?" "Oddaw lehdy."

Till then it had been a lifeless, meaningless bunch of flowers, which some one, for no motive, had tossed up on that dusty shelf in the closet. At August's smile it became something else. Still she asked lightly enough, "Was ist loss, August?" His smile deepened and broadened. "Fur die Andere," he explained. Agatha demanded in English, "What do you mean by feardy ondery?" "Oddaw lehdy."

"Now, August," she said very calmly, "I want you to tell me-ich wunsche Sie zu mir sagen what other lady wass andere Dame these flowers belonged to diese Blumen gehorte zu. Verstehen Sie?"

"Now, August," she said very calmly, "I want you to tell me-ich wunsche Sie zu mir sagen what other lady wass andere Dame these flowers belonged to diese Blumen gehorte zu. Verstehen Sie?"

Unter der gleichen Leitung wie bei ihrer Gründung wurde die Narodna Odbrana neuerlich der zentralpunkt einer Agitation welcher der Schützenbund mit 762 Vereinen, ein Sokolbund mit 3500 Mitgliedern, und verschiedene andere Vereine angehörten.

The Chamber of the Cloth of Gold and the Old Throne Room are highly ornamented, and contain massive gold and silver mementos of former kings and of Emperor William's long career. Here also is the great crystal chandelier which once hung in the Hall of the Conclave at Worms, and under which Luther stood when he made the immortal declaration, "Hier stehe ich; ich kann nicht andere; helfe mir Gott.

Kubin has illustrated Poe notably Berenice; of course the morbid grimace of that tale would attract him Gerard de Nerval's Aurelia, Märchen by W. Hauff, and his own volume of short stories entitled, Die andere Seite, written in the fantastic Poe key and with literary skill.

"Read this, then," added the doctor, handing him a yellow paper bag he picked up in the street, on which was a shopkeeper's advertisement. "I can read some of it," replied Paul; and the reader may help him. In de Mooriaan. Deze en meer andere soorten van TABAK, SNUIF, SIGAREN, KOFFIJ, THEE ENZ zijn te bekomen bij D. B. SCHRETLEN, Zandstraat, Wijk 5, No. 447, ROTTERDAM.

Till then it had been a lifeless, meaningless bunch of flowers, which some one, for no motive, had tossed up on that dusty shelf in the closet. At August's smile it became something else. Still she asked lightly enough, "Was ist loss, August?" His smile deepened and broadened. "Fur die Andere," he explained. Agatha demanded in English, "What do you mean by feardy ondery?" "Oddaw lehdy."