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Still for my Wife's sake, I say, and't like your Hideousness. Car. And yet this Wife, this most ungrateful Wife of yours, again wou'd put your Chains on, expose your Life to Dangers and new Torments, by a too stubborn Virtue, she does refuse my Courtship, and foolishly is chaste. Fran. Alas! what pity's that! Car. I offer'd much, lov'd much, but all in vain; Husband and Honour still was the reply.

Yes, your eyes demonstrate It melts already. Cla. Deare Mother, please you walke Into your Chamber: here the wind is cold And may disease your weaknes. Mag. Here is your vayle, and't please your ladiship. Lady.

"That's right you didn't want him to know, yet, did you?" he added, looking a bit anxiously into the girl's somewhat flushed face as he closed the hall door. "Quite right. No, I don't want him to know yet. There's so much to be done to get started, and he'd want to help. And he couldn't help about that part; and't would only fret him and make him unhappy." "My idea exactly," nodded the man.

"Nor I, either, between you and me." "These shepherd people are used to it simpleminded souls, you know, stirred up to anything a moment. They'll have him ready for me before the morning, and no trouble to me at all." "They'll have him, and we shall have saved ourselves all labour in the matter." "True, true. Well, my way is to Casterbridge, and't is as much as my legs will do to take me that far.

But for the Lender to pay Use-money, is somewhat severe; but, see, he comes, bless me, how grim he looks! Enter Carlos, and Mutes attending. Car. Come hither, Slave, why, was it that I gave you Life? dismiss'd the Fetters from your aged Limbs? Fran. For love of my Wife, and't please your Barbarousness. Car. Gave you free leave to range the Palace round, excepting my Apartment only? Fran.

Sometimes I thought I had but a mean spirit so to live, and thought to ask his meaning; but dared not, for he struck an awe into my very soul. So gradually the days covered that sunset, and't was impossible I should speak; and life went by, and still I studied with him, but Dingley always present. Hath he a heart? I know not.

Let's to dynner, Sir; There we shall heare more newes. 1 Cap. Ile beare ye companie. Enter Barnavelt & Provost. Bar. And how doth he take his imprisonment, Mr. Provost? Pro. A litle discontent, and't please your Lordship, And sad as men confind. Bar. He does not talke much? Pro. Litle or nothing, Sir. Bar. Nor wrighte? Pro. Not any thing, Yet I have charge to give him those free uses. Bar.

It was the year of grace 1750, and old Mother Corrigan sat outside her door in Slattern Alley, smoking her short black pipe with a relish; and't was a good day with her, for she had told his fortune that morning for Squire Tyrconnel, on his way to fight a duel in the Phcenix Park with Lawyer Daly; and when it was finished, says she to him:

Horsemen, and't please ye, Sir, Scowt round about us, and which way still the doggs went They made up within view. Mod. Look't they like Soldiers? 2 Hunt. For certaine they are Soldiers; for if theis are eyes I saw their pistolls. Mod. Many? 2 Hunt. Some half a score, Sir. Mod. I am betraide: away and raise the Boores up, Bid 'em deale manfully. 1 Hunt.

Doe you keep him close? Pro. Not so close, and't like your Lordship, But you may see and speake with him. Bar. I thanck ye. Pro. Bar.