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Emily had gone to bed long ago, or rather to her chamber; where the three Misses Tamworth had been all kindness, curiosity, and consolation. So, Sir Abraham and his lady, now the speech was finished, followed their example of retirement: and the captain newly blood-knotted his hunting-whip, con amore, not to say con spirito, overnight.

His beloved trio, whom he had christened the "troupe Bilboquet," after the vaudeville "Les Saltimbanques," had now moved to Wiesbaden; and thither their faithful "Bilboquet," the "vetturino per amore," as Madame de Girardin laughingly called him, rushed to meet them.

"Yes, yes," he said a little testily; "unless and I pray it may not be so unless you ever need the help of an old friend." "Dear Signor Graziano!" "And now you will sing me my 'Nobil Amore'?" "I will do anything you like!" The signorino sighed and looked at her for a minute. Then he led her into the little parlour where Madame Petrucci was singing shrilly in the twilight. "But why not?

The treatise De Amore Dei sets forth the nature of this love, which is the highest exercise of human powers. Its fundamental characteristic is its disinterestedness. It has its reward, but from meriting, not from seeking.

The supper was attended by four male guests Godolphin, Saville, Lord Falconer; and Mr. Windsor. It was early summer: the curtains were undrawn, the windows were half opened, and the moonlight slept on the little grassplot that surrounded the house. The guests were in high spirits. "Fill me this goblet," cried Godolphin; "champagne is the boy's liquor; I will return to it con amore.

Henceforward, you know, all that is trouble to you is trouble to me. I shall insist on sharing your sorrows as well as your joys, Lamberto. What is it that has annoyed you, amore mio?" "I have much on my mind necessarily, Bianca mia; many things that are not pleasant to think of. Can you not guess as much?"

We conversed about our mutual friend, and about the life Canning was to have written about him, and which he would have done con amore. He gave me two instances of poor George's neatness of expression, and acuteness of discrimination.

The duke would not pass the chapel without entering. The pavement upon which they knelt had been worked with many a rich and curious device; but time and the knees of the faithful had worn away most of the finest tracery. At the foot of one of the columns still remained this fragment of an inscription: Hoc pavimentum ... feci ... ductus amore Dei.

Surely he had a right to be human. All the world had leave to love. He had given Mrs. Fenton up; she was only a memory; he should never speak to her again; it could not be wrong simply to walk past her house. He had lost even his friend; if this poor act were a comfort, it surely was not sin. "Amore amore," sang the Italian girl over there in the warm, palpitating night.

"No, you would be dead, without the hope of resurrection. If there is anything comes direct from the Creative Force, from 'La somma sapienza e il primo amore, it is the sense of duty, 'the moral law within us, which Kant divined as unmistakably delivered from God to man. I use the old terminology." "Don't apologize. It still serves our turn; I don't know that anything else serves it yet.