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Another young man, being asked by my friend, Captain , to spend the evening at his house, replied "No, can't much obliged; but I'm afear'd that grandfather will give the last kicks while I'm away." Canadians flock in crowds to visit the dying, and to gaze upon the dead.

In a few seconds they had ascended about fifty feet, and March, projecting out from the precipice as he did, owing to his position in the rider's left arm, felt a horrible sensation of giddiness come over him, and could not suppress a slight groan. "Don't be afear'd, lad," said his companion, "I've got ye tight, an' the horse is used to it.

You will be punished for running away, but you won't lose your life!" Sapper Maggs shook his yellow head. "I'll stay," he answered stolidly; "it's more cumfortable-like for us four to 'old together, and it's a better protection for the lady. I bean't afear'd of no Gers, I bean't! I'll go along o' yew officers and the lady, if yew don't mind, zur!"

'Where am I? and 'Oh, the witch the witch! 'Oh! no, Ma'am, dear, replied Betty; 'now, aisy, Ma'am, darling. 'I'm going mad. 'No, Ma'am, dear? there now sure 'tis poor Betty that's in it don't be afear'd, Ma'am. 'Oh, Betty, hold me don't go I'm mad am I mad?

"Them that's big-hearted and broad-shouldered hain't got much to be afear'd of in this world. Have you forgot Rose Gaither, Jack?" "I haven't forgotten Bradley Gaither," said Jack, frowning darkly, "and I won't forget him in a day, you may depend. Bradley Gaither is at the bottom of all the misery you see there." The young man made a gesture that included the whole horizon.

I feel zore about the heart, Meary, and it's all com' of parting with you. Don't you feel queerish, too?" "Can't say that I do, Jacob. I shall soon see you again." "Meary, oi'm afear'd you don't feel like oie." "P'r'aps not women can't feel like men. I'm sorry that you are going, Jacob, for you have been very kind and obliging, and I wish you well."

I found that my coming in a perriwigg did not prove so strange to the world as I was afear'd it would, for I thought that all the church would presently have cast their eyes all upon me, but I found no such thing. Here an ordinary lazy sermon of Mr.

The restless splash of the water sent icy sprays over the child, and, clinging still closer to her treacherous companion, she stopped him for a second and begged him to return. "Don't be afear'd, nuthin's goin' ter happen to yer," he said, jerking her savagely, and almost breaking into a run at the same time. "Oh, Tom, please let's go back," supplicated the child. They were now at the old wharf.

Now, do try!" The youth smiled as he shook his head negatively. Forrester, with great anxiety, proceeded: "But, 'squire, they won't know your reason for refusing, and they will set you down as afear'd. They will call you a coward!" "And what if they do, Forrester? They are not exactly the people about whose opinions I give myself any concern.

The waves rushed up the steep beach like tigers for their prey, their eyes turned away from mine, but full of cruelty and anger. I was, deep in myself, afear'd. At what an extraordinary rate the waves rushed up the shore, fast galloping after one another, accomplishing their fates! There is only one line I know that tells well of their rate, that glory of Swinburne: