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She had a way of poking fun at herself, which, when exercised, sent the elfin figures scattering with a celerity suggestive of the departure of her own pupils at the tinkle of the bell for dismissal. Then she was left alone with her humor and her New England conscience, that stern adjuster of real values and enemy of spiritual dissipation.

He liked to talk business; he had long ago given up his music and devoted himself with marvellous success to his work. He was no longer with the piano house, but had an excellent position as adjuster of damages, out of court, for one of the street railway companies.

Also, this here Rudy Feinholz what acted as your broker is also general agent, adjuster and office manager for the Metropolitan District; and, taking it by and large, youse gentlemen is lucky you come to me instead of him to adjust this loss." Rudy Feinholz's insurance business occupied what had once been the front parlor of a high-stoop brown-stone residence.

"Now he is many years older." "Yet, none the less a widower, and all the more an adjuster of nice matters. He has proven himself a politician. It was his accident and not his fault not to remain with us in our party! Yet I happen to know that though once defeated for the presidency and twice for the nomination, he remains true to his Free Soil beliefs.

In one instance, at least, Lee Snaith appointed herself adjuster in behalf of Cupid. Goodheart reached town a few hours earlier than his chief. Lee met him just before supper in front of the court-house. "Where's Billie?" she asked with characteristic directness. "He's on his way back. A wounded man couldn't be moved an' he had to stay with him a while. The man was Joe Yankie.

In this endeavor it was necessary to have regard to the system of doctrine that was growing up among their Mohammedan neighbors and masters itself inherited from Greece and adjust its teachings to those of Judaism. The adjustment took various forms according to the temperament of the adjuster.

Then, to banjo accompaniment, the insurance adjuster sighed for his old Kentucky home, which Carl judged to have been located in Brooklyn. The whole crowd joined in the chorus and

The trainmen at once recognized the force of the Cracker's views on cattle-killing, but it took some considerable "potting" at the more conservative superintendents before the latter could bestir themselves and invent a "cow-attorney," as the company adjuster is called, who now settles with the bushmen as best he can.

"An' yer idea is for me to git paid for stuff that wasn't burned up, is it?" "Well, that's as how the adjuster says. Sometimes he sees it an' sometimes he don't that's where the pull comes in." Tom put her arms akimbo, her favorite attitude when her anger began to rise. "Oh I see! The pull is in bribin' the adjuster, as ye call him, so he can cheat the company."

Let me say one more word about social service and the social worker, though I feel that a volume of praise would be more fitting. The social worker has become an indispensable part of the hospital organization, an investigator to bring in facts, a social adjuster to bring about cure. For a hospital to be without a social service department is to confess itself behind the times and inefficient.