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"An' yer idea is for me to git paid for stuff that wasn't burned up, is it?" "Well, that's as how the adjuster says. Sometimes he sees it an' sometimes he don't that's where the pull comes in." Tom put her arms akimbo, her favorite attitude when her anger began to rise. "Oh I see! The pull is in bribin' the adjuster, as ye call him, so he can cheat the company."

"I think so; but, after all, I'm almost glad that the money's gone, for I can't help feeling that this way of enticing Gashford to do a thing, as it were slily, is underhand. It is a kind of bribery." "Faix, then, it's not c'ruption anyhow, for the baste is as c'rupt as he can be already. An', sure, wouldn't it just be bribin' a blackguard not to commit murther?" "I don't know, Pat.

"It will delay your work a little, but never mind; we will pay you in huckleberry pies," said Mrs. Jo, knowing Silas's weak point. His rough, brown face brightened up, and he said, with a cheery "Haw! haw!" "Wal now, Mis' Bhaer, if you go to bribin' of me, I shall give in right away." "Now, boys, I have arranged it so that you can all go," said Mrs.

Well, now that a C. O. is sure of his men, now that he hasn't to waste himself in conciliating an' bribin', an' beerin' kids, he doesn't care what he spends on his corps, because every pound tells. Do you understand?" "I see what you mean, Vee. Having the male material guaranteed " "And trained material at that," Pigeon put in. "Eight years in the schools, remember, as well as " "Precisely.

When the tie business begun and Gaius and Dan was bribin' the billiard roomers to jine the club, 'twas him that fixed how they should vote so's to keep the deadlock goin'. 'Twas him that put Bassett up to proposin' him as a member. 'Twas him that suggested Gabe's comin' back to Gaius. 'Twas him that But what's the use? 'Twas him all along. He was IT.