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"Themistius vero, et Boethius, et Averrois Babylonius, cum Platone, sic numeros extollunt, ut neminem absque illis posse recte philosophari putent.

Paul: "Arbitramur hominem iustificari ex fide absque operibus" as "We hold that the human will be justified without the works of the law but only by faith." You also tell me that the Papists are causing a great fuss because St. Secondly, you ask if the departed saints intercede for us. Regarding the first question, you can give the papists this answer from me if you so desire.

For it is well said, that Dum auribus, oculis, manibus, dentibus exterius, auribus, oculis, manibus, dentibus fidei interius occupamur, orationem continuam et durabilem, absque mentis divagatione ab opere praecepto et imperato, instruere non possumus. Sect. 23. Ans. 1. Why did not he prove his proposition? Thought he his bare assertion should suffice?

In your CCXCV cermon, beginning by: 'Frecuenter charitatem vestra, etc., you said very decidedly: 'Nemo se slecipiat fratres; Duo cuim loca sunt et terius non est ullus. Qui cum Christo reguare non meruerit, cum diabolo absque dubitatione ulla perebit. This translated means, 'Do not deceive yourselves, brethren; there are but two places for the soul and there is no third place.