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An' though 'e's feeble now an' wants all ye can give 'im, the day may come when, bein' strong again, 'e'll take a knife an' slit yer throat. Bein' a tramp like, it 'ud come easy to 'im an' not to be blamed, if we may go by what they sez in the 'a'penny noospapers.

Hextry Speshul Edition! 'Ere y'are, sir; on'y a 'a'penny. For nearly two months, from dawn until dark, Gueldersdorp had squatted on her low-topped hill in a screaming blizzard of shrapnel and Mauser bullets.

There! that's what comes of never condescending to an 'a'penny. Sus. Bless us! what mighty fine words we've got a waitin' on us! Bill.

She receives the visitor and the visitor's remarks with an air quite unconscious of tragic meditation; and her honest labour-stained hand sweeps over the things on the table. "Cheese!" she says, at last "eightpence the 'arf pound!" A pause. The hand points in another direction. "Lard sevenpence that scrubby little piece! Sugar! sixpence 'a'penny the pound. The best part of two shillin's gone!

For this 'ere cow, she reminds me of my father, and I know 'ow 'e'd 'ave 'ided me if I'd laid 'ands on a 'a'penny as wasn't my own. 'I'm sure he would, Jane agreed kindly; 'but what made you come here? 'Well, miss, said the burglar, 'you know best 'ow you come by them cats, and why you don't like the police, so I'll give myself away free, and trust to your noble 'earts.

If I 'ave a weakness, Miss Susan, it's for the right word in the right place as the coster said to the devil-dodger as blowed him up for purfane swearin'. When a gen'leman hoffers me an 'a'penny, I axes him in the purlitest manner I can assume, to oblige me by givin' of it to the first beggar he may 'ave the good fort'n to meet. Some on 'em throws down the 'a'penny. Most on 'em makes it a penny.

When I'm on the kerb shouting 'Speshul! and you comes to me with yer 'a'penny in yer 'and, you're master an' I'm man. When I comes into your shop to order refreshments, and to pay for 'em, I'm boss. Savey? You can bring me a rasher and two eggs, and see that they're this season's. The lidy will have a full-sized haddick and a cocoa." Well, there was justice in what he said.

'I know for a fact that 'e bought two 'a'penny sheets of it, last week out of 'is own money! 'Oh, 'e did, did 'e? snarled Misery. 'I'll give 'im glasspaper! I'll 'ave a Alteration! He went into the hall, where he remained alone for a considerable time, brooding.

It was vain for Simmons to hint as hint he did that he shouldn't like her to overwork herself, tailoring being bad for the eyes, and there was a new tailor's in the Mile End Road, very cheap, where . . . "Ho yus," she retorted, "you're very consid'rit I dessay sittin' there actin' a livin' lie before your own wife Thomas Simmons as though I couldn't see through you like a book a lot you care about overworkin' me as long as your turn's served throwin' away money like dirt in the street on a lot o' swindlin' tailors an' me workin' and' slavin' 'ere to save a 'a'penny an' this is my return for it any one 'ud think you could pick up money in the 'orse-road an' I b'lieve I'd be thought better of if I laid in bed all day like some would that I do."