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His fingers gripped a sheet of notepaper but he was seemingly unconscious of that fact. He was leaning forward, staring into the aperture. "It's empty!" he choked. "Wot's dat?" cried the Pug, and sprang to his companion's side. "Youse're crazy, Pinkie!" He thrust his head toward the opening and then turned and stared for a moment helplessly at Pinkie Bonn. "So help me!" he said heavily.

Rhoda Gray eyed the man for a long minute; then she shook her head. "I take back wot I said about youse bein' a slick crook," she announced coolly. "I guess youse're a dick from headquarters. Well, youse have got de wrong number see? Me fingers are crossed. Try next door!" The Adventurer's eyes were fixed on the newspaper headlines on the floor. He raised them now significantly to hers.

"But don't kid yerself dat youse're kiddin' me into givin' it to youse because youse have got a pretty smile an' a sweet voice! Savvy? I" she choked suddenly, and caught at her throat "I guess youse're de only chance I got-dat's all." "That's better," said Rhoda Gray encouragingly. "And now you'll let me go and get a doctor, won't you, Nan?" "Wait!" said Gypsy Nan hoarsely.

"Dey say," said Gypsy Nan slowly, "dat youse knows more on de inside here dan anybody else t'ings youse got from de spacers' molls, an' from de dips demselves when youse was lendin' dem a hand; dey say dere ain't many youse couldn't send up de river just by liftin' yer finger, but dat youse're straight, an' dat youse've kept yer map closed, an' dat youse' re safe."

With a sharp cry, staring, Virat shrank back. "Sure! Now youse're talkin'!" approved Larry the Bat complacently. "But dat ain't all. Say, youse have got a gall! Youse thought youse'd plant me, did youse, wid dat gray seal on de Magpie's boot!" Jimmie Dale's voice was deadly cold again. "Well, what about dat?" "What do you want?" mumbled Virat. Jimmie Dale's smile was not inviting.

Say, she went off wid Thornton in de buzz-wagon yesterday, an' I put de Patriarch to bed last night 'cause she wasn't back, an' dat's wot's de matter wid him, she ain't showed up since an' he's near off his chump, an' fer God's sake let go my arm, Doc, youse're breakin' it!" A sort of cold frenzy seemed to seize Madison. He was perfectly calm, he felt himself perfectly calm and composed.

"Youse're de only chance I got. Will youse swear youse won't t'row me down if I tells youse somet'ing? I ain't got no other way. Will youse swear youse'll see me through?" "Of course, Nan," said Rhoda Gray soothingly. "Of course, I will, Nan. I promise." Gypsy Nan came up on her elbow. "Dat ain't good enough!" she cried out. "A promise ain't good enough! For Gawd's sake, come across all de way!

Everybody knew you had it in for him. All I had to do was well, what you said I did. If you hadn't tumbled to it, and I'm damned if I can see how you did, there wasn't anything to it at all. It was open and shut that the Magpie pinched the swag, and that you croaked him and beat it with the bonds." "Say," said Larry the Bat admiringly, "youse're some slick gazabo, youse are!