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After Martha Yeardley's decease, and as years rolled on, his mind dwelt still more habitually and more confidingly than ever on the approaching end of the race. 4 mo. 24. I cannot say my spirits are always high. There is an individuality in the allotment of each of us which we must seek for grace and aid to endure to the end.

At Töplitz, which they revisited before leaving Bohemia, occurred the interesting incident of the Bohemian soldier, which is related under that title in John Yeardley's series of tracts, No. 4. When they finally quitted the country, they took the nearest road to Kreuznach.

On his return home from these services he would spend the day in an upper room, without a fire, even in the severest weather, writing a minute account of all that had happened. It was in 1803 that Joseph Wood first had intercourse with Joel Yeardley's family. Under date of the 19th of the Fourth Month, he says, speaking of himself and some other concerned Friends:

The prospect of distant travel was discouraging, both on account of Martha Yeardley's weak health and of the state of the Continent; but, writes John Yeardley, "my mind is peaceful, and I have an abiding conviction that it is right to proceed, trusting in the Lord for light, strength and safety." On their way through Belgium, the same feeling was strongly impressed upon his mind. 1850. 4 mo. 7.

The Friends of Minden and the little company of awakened people at Eidinghausen, who on his first coming to Germany had taken so firm a hold of John Yeardley's mind, continued to excite his religious sympathy, and he again visited them in the latter part of this year. I lodge with Frederick Schmidt, and feel myself perfectly at home.

They found in this city a movement among the Roman Catholics, a number of whom had joined the Protestant worship. The Protestant Pastor, Cadoret, was very friendly to them; when he heard that they belonged to the Society of Friends, he pressed John Yeardley's hand and said, I am very glad to make your acquaintance; it is the first time I have seen any of your Society, of whom I have heard much.

From John Yeardley's reflections before they left Geneva, it would appear that in the discouragement they felt in the prospect of a long journey through France, they were little aware of that plentiful repast of spiritual food which was to be served to them before they would have to cross the Jura.

They attended on the 2nd of the Seventh Month the Two-months' Meeting, at Minden. Many peasants were present in the meeting for worship, and on John and Martha Yeardley's return to Pyrmont, some of them came to the meeting there on First-day, and begged the Friends to go to Vlotho to meet a company of their brethren.

Yeardley's instructions in 1618 carried the order to locate a suitable place for a university in the Henrico area. He was to make immediate preparation for building a college there. A generous contribution had already been made in England towards the "planting of a college" and 10,000 acres were to be set aside as an endowment.

Still more interesting was a meeting they had at Mühlheim on the Ruhr, where, it will be remembered, they found an open door for their ministry on their first continental journey. We give the narrative in John Yeardley's words: 8 mo. 17.