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All of the despatches were timed three o'clock and each paper characterised its issue as an "Extra," with Challis Wrandall's name in huge type across as many columns as the dignity of the sheet permitted. Not one word of the girl! Absolute mystery! Mrs. Wrandall returned to her post beside the bed of the sleeper in the adjoining room.

Wrandall's room quite ready for her?" "I shall not stay here to-night," interposed Mrs. Wrandall. "You need not keep the room for me." "But, my dear Mrs. Wrandall " "I shall wait in the railway station until morning if necessary. But not here." The coroner led the way to the cosy little room off the office. She followed with the sheriff.

Wrandall, with an indulgent smile, "we will not ride them down." "No, indeed, sir," consented Griggs, with a wink that Mr. Wrandall did not see. The pleased, satisfied smile grew on Redmond Wrandall's gaunt old face: not reminiscent, I am bound to say, yet reflective. The tall young man and the girl far ahead apparently were not aware of the scrutiny.

Carroll waiting for him but Brandon Booth as well. His instructions were clearly defined and concise. He was to proceed without delay to Montana, where he was to bolster up the frail girl's courage and prevent if possible the disaster. Moreover, he was to assure her that Challis Wrandall's wife forgave her and would contest every effort made by the police to lay the crime at her door.

I've waited on him dozens o' times." "Did they have any children?" Up in the front rank stood a slim little thing with yellow hair and carmined lips, wrapped in costly furs yet shivering as if chilled to the bone. Four plain clothes men were watching her narrowly. She was known to have been one of Challis Wrandall's associates.

Slow fever of some sort, Carroll tells me." "Is she going to marry Brandy Booth?" asked his son. Mr. Wrandall's face stiffened. "I fear I was a little hasty in my conclusions. Brandon came to the office a few days ago and informed me in rather plain words that there is absolutely nothing in the report." "The deuce you say!

Please do not conclude that I am urging or even advising you to look with favour upon Leslie Wrandall's honourable, sincere proposal of marriage. I am merely trying to convince you that you are entitled to all that any man can give you in this world of ours, we women all are, for that matter." "I was sure that you couldn't ask me to marry him. I couldn't believe "

In response to a sudden impulse she sprang up and ran, blindly and without thought, bringing up against the wall with such force that she dropped to the floor, quite insensible. When she regained her senses, she was lying back in Sara Wrandall's arms, and a soft faraway voice was pleading with her to wake, to say something, to open her eyes.

I am ages and ages older than you," cried Hetty, the colour coming back to her soft cheeks. "You are twenty-three." "And you are twenty-eight." Sara had a far away look in her eyes. "About your size and figure," said she, and Hetty did not comprehend. Sara Wrandall's house in the country stood on a wooded knoll overlooking the Sound.

"But Miss Castleton can prove that for you, my dear. Don't forget Miss Castleton." "Miss Castleton did not come to me, you should remember, until after the the trouble. It occurred the second night after my arrival from Europe. Mr. Smith has discovered that I was not in my rooms at the hotel that night." "You were not?" fell from Mr. Wrandall's lips. "Where were you?"