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I have just heard from him, that he had sent forward General Schoepf with Colonel Wolford's cavalry, Colonel Steadman's Ohio regiment, and a battery of artillery, followed on a succeeding day by a Tennessee brigade. He had still two Kentucky regiments, the Thirty-eighth Ohio and another battery of artillery, with which he was to follow yesterday.

Now this is a fraction over fifty-five per cent. per annum. What do you think of that for an investment?" "Capital! But have you much of this kind of business?" "Enough to, keep several thousand dollars constantly employed for you." "Good!" With this brief ejaculation, that came from Wolford's heart, he turned away and left the office. On this operation, the magistrate made six per cent.

Their captain, a confiding individual, on the wrong side of sixty, looked with surprise at this irruption, and asked, "Whose company is this?" "Wolford's cavalry," was the reply. "What? Kentucky boys? Glad to see you. Where's Wolford?" "There he sits," answered the man, pointing to Morgan, who was carelessly seated sideways on his horse.

The young lover went into the ranks of Wolford's regiment of loyal mountaineers, and rose slowly at first, more rapidly as his square sense and upright character became known. The girl, in her retirement, heard of her lover's advancement with pride and fear. She distrusted her worth, and found the hard menial duties of life more irksome than before.

I have just heard from him, that he had sent forward General Schoepf with Colonel Wolford's cavalry, Colonel Steadman's Ohio regiment, and a battery of artillery, followed on a succeeding day by a Tennessee brigade. He had still two Kentucky regiments, the Thirty-eighth Ohio and another battery of artillery, with which he was to follow yesterday.

On Saturday morning at an early hour the pickets of Wolford's cavalry encountered the enemy advancing upon the Union forces. The Confederates were held in check until General Thomas could order a force forward adequate to give them battle. This was the beginning of the battle of Mill Springs. The general's camp was on the left of the pike from the river.

He seems to know what you have done and to suspect that there may be something more here for you to do. He's right. I want you to destroy Daws Dillon and his band. There will be no peace until he is out of the way. You know the mountains better than anybody. You are the man for the work. You will take one company from Wolford's regiment he has been reinstated, you know and go at once.

I have just heard from him, that he had sent forward General Schoepf with Colonel Wolford's cavalry, Colonel Steadman's Ohio regiment, and a battery of artillery, followed on a succeeding day by a Tennessee brigade. He had still two Kentucky regiments, the Thirty-eighth Ohio and another battery of artillery, with which he was to follow yesterday.

So it was no queer turn of fate that had soon sent both the lads to help hold Zollicoffer at Cumberland Gap, that stopped them at Camp Dick Robinson to join forces with Wolford's cavalry, and brought Chad face to face with an old friend.

A note for one hundred and five dollars, at sixty days, was drawn and handed to the young shaver, who paid down one hundred dollars, and went off with his collateral under his arm. This transaction opened a new world to Wolford's imagination. Two and a half per cent. a month, and six per cent. per annum, could hardly be compared together.