United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

After swallowing a dozen olives, six or eight anchovies, as many pickled oysters, and raisins and almonds, as the advertisements say a volonte, he suddenly struck his fist on the table, and announced his intention of putting the question to both the ladies. "My dear young lady," he called out, "will you do me the honour to say whether you ever heard of a cook of the name of Vattel?"

"This is a comfortable abode for the warm months, and one it might be well to visit oftener." "When Monsieur le Patteron shall be de lor' of ce manoir, aussi, he shall come when he shall have la volonté," returned François, who knew that a pleasantry of his ought not to be construed into an engagement on the part of her he served, while it could not fail to be agreeable to him who heard it.

"En tout, sa sainte volonte soit faite; s'il veut que des ceste heure nous mourions, o la bonne heure pour nous! s'il veut nous reseruer a d'autres trauaux, qu'il soit beny; si vous entendez que Dieu ait couronne nos petits trauaux, ou plustost nos desirs, benissez-le: car c'est pour luy que nous desirons viure et mourir, et c'est luy qui nous en donne la grace.

J'espere et je dois Croire que Vous Conte finc n'aurez pas bessoin de faire usage de Cette Instruction mais en cas de Malheur je Vous autorisse a L'Employer, et Marque que C'est apres Une Mure et saine Deliberation Ma ferme et Constante Volonte je le Signe de Ma Main et la Muni de mon Cachet,

"Que votre volonté soit faite," stammered the Provençal. And the Irishwoman and Basque woman cried, "Deuntar do thoil ar an Hhal

"Si la volonte divine a cree par un seul Acte l'Universalite des etres, d'ou venoient ces plantes et ces animaux dont Moyse nous decrit la Production au troisieme et au cinquieme jour du renouvellement de notre monde?

She was a splendid worker, and no task was too difficult, so long as it furthered our purpose namely, that of being ready in case of emergency. By noon we had decided that it would be useless to count upon my servants to help in the hospital. They already had all they could do. So I went and asked our mayor if he knew of any women who, de bonne volonte, would come and assist us.

Napoleon Buonaparte etait avide de renommee et de gloire; Arthur Wellesley ne se soucie ni de l'une ni de l'autre; l'opinion publique, la popularite, etaient choses de grand valeur aux yeux de Napoleon; pour Wellington l'opinion publique est une rumeur, un rien que le souffle de son inflexible volonte fait disparaitre comme une bulle de savon.

I told him that Monsieur Gautier had said that I was blasee. The Emperor exclaimed: "Vous blasee! Il faut y mettre beaucoup de bonne volonte pour etre blasee a votre age!" I said I did not know whether to be angry or not with him. "Be angry with him," answered the Emperor. "He deserves it." Waldteufel began playing his delightful waltzes, and every one was boon whirling about.

Outwardly, the meal proceeded in well-ordered calm. Lord Chilminster made no further reference to the debatable topic; only talked lightly and pleasantly on a variety of non-committal subjects. As the lady's host that, of course, was the only attitude he could adopt; but the fact remains that he did so de bonne volonté.