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Which of the great concertos do I prefer? That is a difficult question to answer off-hand. But I can easily tell you which I like least. It is the Tschaikovsky* violin concerto I would not exchange the first ten measures of Vieuxtemps's Fourth concerto for the whole of Tschaikovsky's, that is from the musical point of view.

Though in some of them 'the frame is too large for the picture, and though difficult from a violinistic point of view, 'they lie admirably well up the neck, to use one of Vieuxtemps's expressions, and I take pleasure in calling attention to them.

Many of the great violin names, in fact, Vieuxtemps, Léonard*, Marsick, Remi, Parent, de Broux, Musin, Thomson, are all Belgian." Ysaye spoke of Vieuxtemps's repertory only he did not call it that: he spoke of the Vieuxtemps compositions and of Vieuxtemps himself. "Vieuxtemps wrote in the grand style; his music is always rich and sonorous.

He sings, he weeps, he laughs on the violin like a very demon." The following paragraph is a good sample of New York musical journalism in the year 1844: "Vieuxtemps's first concert on Monday night was a very stylish jam. He is a small, puny-built man, with gold rings in his ears, and a face of genteel ugliness, but touchingly lugubrious in its expression.