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"There are spades in the pack, however much you may wish to ignore 'em. You know very well you don't like these Quicksands people. They grate on your finer sensibilities, and all that sort of thing. Come, now, isn't it so?" She coloured again, and put her horse to the trot. "Onwards and upwards," he cried. "Veni, vidi, vici, ascendi."

"Ain't this the greatest sight ever?" asked Lanky, as they came upon the field, and the waving flags and handkerchiefs made the grandstand look like a vast flower garden in a strong wind. "Columbia! Veni! vidi! vici! to-day we swallow the rooster!" came a concerted shout, as Herman Hooker got his cheer band in working order.

And if euer any notable exploit in any age was comparable to Caesars Veni, Vidi, Vici, certainely in my poore opinion it was this.

Yet there is sorrow in the world, and it reached Petrarch even before Laura died, when it reached her. This exquisite sonnet shows it: "I' vidi in terra angelici costumi." I once beheld on earth celestial graces, And heavenly beauties scarce to mortals known, Whose memory lends nor joy nor grief alone, But all things else bewilders and effaces.

"Repetition of the great Caesar's experience veni vidi vici, eh? What?" "So say I," said Jack Romayne. "It has been a very real pleasure to know you, Jane. For my part, I shan't forget your visit to me, and the talks we have had together." "You have all been good to me. I cannot tell you how I feel about it." Jane's voice was a little tremulous, but her smile was as bright as ever.

I acknowledge the correctness and propriety of your remark; and yet beauties in poetry must be examined as carefully as blemishes, and even more." p. 92. , mentre che parlò, mi si ricorda, Ch'io vidi le due luci benedette, Pur come batter d'occhi si concorda, He has left writings, the eloquence of which, according to Tiraboschi, is "worthy of a better age."

Go to her, tell her what you have seen and heard here, I send her my secret as a betrothal gift, and then ask her to send me an answer to the words she heard me speak on a certain eventful occasion." "You may trust me!" with alacrity responded Herr Bernat. "Within half an hour I shall return with a reply: Veni, vidi, vici!"

My desire of beholding Voltaire, whom I then rated above his real magnitude, was easily gratified. He received me with civility as an English youth; but I cannot boast of any peculiar notice or distinction, Virgilium vidi tantum. The ode which he composed on his first arrival on the banks of the Leman Lake, O Maison d'Aristippe!

He had grown stouter, and this was very becoming. His head was like that of a Caesar. Full of self-confidence, fortunate, flattered on every side, at the height of power, he imagined that in love, as in war, he had but to appear to say, veni, vidi, vici, "I came, I saw, I conquered."

A single sentence would win his case. A big thought, compressed into small compass, was fatal to his foe. It is the clear insight of a great mind only that shaped out truth in words few and simple. Brevity is power, wherever thought is strong. From Gaul Cæsar wrote 'Veni, vidi, vici. Rome was electrified, and the message immortalized.