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Such accidents require to be interpreted by the use which is made of them. Ad Quintum Fratrem, ii. 15. "Ego enim ne pilo quidem minus me amabo." Ibid., ii. 16. Other editions read "te." "Videor id judicio facere: jam enim debeo: sed amore sum incensus." Ad Quintum Fratrem, iii. 1. Ad Crassum. Ad Familiares, v. 8. Ad Lentulum. Ad Fam., i. 8. Ibid., i. 9. De Provinciis Consularibus.

Sunt etiam eius aetatis: ne ea quidem quaeruntur in senectute. Sunt extrema quaedam studia senectutis: ergo, ut superiorum aetatum studia occidunt, sic occidunt etiam senectutis; quod cum evenit, satietas vitae tempus maturum mortis affert. XXI. 77 Non enim video, cur, quid ipse sentiam de morte, non audeam vobis dicere, quod eo cernere mihi melius videor, quo ab ea propius absum.

This attack continued with little intermission for more than a week, and, during this period, he suffered great pain, attended with want of sleep and temporary delirium, during which, he frequently exclaimed, Ne frustra vixisse videor. On the 24th he recovered from this painful situation, and became perfectly tranquil. His strength, however, was gone, and he saw that he had not many hours to live.

On this account vadimonia constituta should be translated as above 'appointments', and not 'bonds' or 'engagements' to appear in court. QUID ... SENES: sc. tibi videntur; 'what do you think of old men as lawyers, etc.? So without ellipsis, Fam. 9, 21, 1 quid tibi ego in epistulis videor?

How pathetically ERASMUS mourns over the death of his beloved Sir THOMAS MORE! "In Moro mihi videor extinctus" "I seem to see myself extinct in More." It was a melancholy presage of his own death, which shortly after followed.

At vero multo maiora et meliora facit. Non viribus aut velocitate aut celeritate corporum res magnae geruntur, sed consilio auctoritate sententia, quibus non modo non orbari, sed etiam augeri senectus solet; 18 nisi forte ego vobis, qui et miles et tribunus et legatus et consul versatus sum in vario genere bellorum, cessare nunc videor, cum bella non gero.