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He had given an impetus to Vere. That was natural, to be expected, considering his knowledge and his fame, his great experience and his understanding of men. But now Vere had given an impetus to him and that was surely stranger.

"After I had told Vere " she began. She was about to defend herself, to tell him how she had gone to Vere's room intending to withdraw the permission given; but suddenly she realized clearly that she, a mother, was being secretly taken to task by a man for her conduct to her child. That was intolerable.

How could I possibly say `No' to such a request?" sighed Vere softly. I think she was very nearly crying just then, but I made another desperate effort to interest myself in Maud, and soon afterwards he went away. Vere looked at me curiously when I returned to the seat by her side, and I told her the truth. "I tried to read, I did, honestly, but I heard a good deal! It was your own fault.

In that moment both men, in their different ways, felt dreadfully, almost unbearably, self-conscious. Presently Vere's step was heard again on the stairs, descending softly and slowly. She came in and went at once to Artois. "Madre doesn't answer." Artois got up. "What ought we to do?" Vere was whispering. "Did you hear anything?" "No."

As for Vere, she was a vision of loveliness, all pink and white and gold. We walked together downstairs into the hall, where father was waiting to receive us. Poor father! the tears came into his eyes as he took her hand, and looked down at her.

Maude could no longer refuse, and she half fancied she saw the flashing of the diamonds, when James placed upon her finger the ring which bore the inscription of "Cousin Maude." Before coming there that night, Mr. De Vere had consulted a New York paper, and found that a steamship would sail for Liverpool on the 20th of April, about six weeks from that day.

Watch me slink away." Mrs. de Vere Carter slunk away realistically, and the sight of it brought momentary delight to William's weary soul. Otherwise the rehearsals were not far removed from torture to him.

She was a widow before she was a mother; may the Madonna comfort her. My mamma spoke just like that, Signorina. And then she cried for a long time. But when Patrigno came in she stopped crying at once." "Did she? Why was that?" "I don't know, Signorina." Vere was silent for a moment. Then she said: "Is your Patrigno kind to you, Ruffo?" The boy looked at her, then swiftly looked away.

John's Wood, an elegantly appointed little place, which he rented and maintained, and where the popular personage known as Violet Vere, basked in the very lap of luxury. Meanwhile, Thelma paced up and down her own boudoir, into which she had escaped through the sliding panel which had baffled her admirer.

In this matter I have been but a passive instrument in his hands; as indeed it was only right that I should be, seeing that he is of gentle blood and an esquire serving under Captain Vere in the army of the queen, while I am but a rough sailor.