United States or Finland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

And then there is a big eye surrounded with a Glory. The eye of the United States most likely, and I spozed mebby it meant big I and little You. I didn't know exactly what it did mean till I catched sight of the words above, meanin' "The eye of Providence is favorable to our undertakin's." And then I felt better, and hoped it wuz so.

The pavilions of the different nations tower up in all their grandeur that their goverments could expend on 'em, and they rival each other in beauty; but private undertakin's show off nobly.

It is quite a long ride to the Pali, but we didn' realize it, because the scenery all along is so lovely and so novel. That view from the top I hain't a-goin' to try to describe, nor I sha'n't let Josiah try; I don't like to have that man flat out in his undertakin's. Good land! do you want us to tell how many sands there wuz on the flashing white beach that stretched out milds and milds?

Well, I am not responsible for your supposin', but them that is familiar with Bronco Bill generally expects him to back up his undertakin's." "But how in the world can you get five hundred dollars from the cowboys for a church?" "I hain't done the arithmetic yet, but it's safe enough. You see, it ain't the church altogether, it's the reputation of the boys." "I'll help, Bill," said Gwen.