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When I went, Julio, Simon Turchi's servant, pushed me into a chair prepared as a trap, in which my body was caught and held immovable by steel springs. Then Simon entered with a dagger in his hand; he took from me the note, and destroyed it in my presence. He attempted to stab me in the breast, but the blow was warded off by a copper amulet which I wore around my neck.

Van de Werve, who accompanied them to the door, and admiring Simon Turchi's kindness, he followed them with his eyes as long as they were in sight. After having accompanied Deodati to his residence, Simon Turchi went to his own dwelling near the bridge De la Vigne.

The bailiff was more calm he listened attentively and nodded his head, as if he foresaw the conclusion of Turchi's narrative. "I hardly dare continue," he said. "My soul revolts but I must disregard my feelings," and in a more tranquil manner, he resumed: "Shuddering with horror, I heard Julio say: "'Master, I have committed a frightful murder. Remorse pursues me as a malediction from God.

The young gentleman, who really believed the story of Turchi's servant, thanked him for his assistance, and acknowledged that he owed his life to him, as he had given the warning of the approach of the assassins. The dead body was removed behind the well until the city authorities should order its burial. The head watchman approached Geronimo, and said to him: "Where do you live, signor?

"I was going to take a walk along the Scheldt, in order to seek some diversion to the grief I feel for the disappearance of the unfortunate Geronimo." "What I have to say, signor, need not interfere with your walk. I will accompany you a part of the way and enjoy with you the evening breeze." The bailiff turned and walked by Turchi's side.

He had hardly reached it, when the door of the room opened, and his master appeared. Disfigured as Simon Turchi's countenance had been by the thirst for revenge, crime made it still more frightful. The signor could hardly have been recognized. His hair stood upright; his eyes rolled in their sockets; a hard, hoarse sound escaped his lips; blood dripped from his hands.

A smile lighted up Turchi's countenance. He was delighted to be accidentally brought into the bailiff's company, as he would thus learn the result of the researches already made. After a polite salutation, Messire Van Schoonhoven said: "I am happy to meet you. I was on my way to your house." "To my house?" said Turchi. "Have you news of my friend?"

Is it not a happiness to think that Geronimo, although guilty of a fault, is still alive, and not to be forced to believe that he is forever lost to our affection by a frightful death?" Old Deodati arose and said: "My friends, I must leave you; my mind is troubled; I am ill. Besides, I wish to discover by the books the truth or falsity of Signor Turchi's statement.

You shall spend your days in pleasure, and you will never have cause to regret what you have done for me. But, Julio, you do not answer? Is not such a fate desirable?" "I am overpowered by sleep," stammered Julio, almost unintelligibly. A triumphant smile flitted across Turchi's face.

The scar on Simon Turchi's face became of a livid white; his whole frame trembled with rage; but by a strong effort he controlled his emotion, and after a few moments he said, with a contemptuous smile upon his lips: "Four years ago I took you into my service through pity; I have paid you well, excused all your faults, your intoxication, your passion for gambling; I have not dismissed you, although you have deserved it a hundred times; and now, when for the first time you can be useful to me, you have not the courage.