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One more insult to these ladies and I'll make it my business to go personally to your employers. Get me?" "Shut your trap, Jim," snarled Mehan. "Yer ain't got no orders fer no fancy language." He leered at Geneviève. "Now we've shooed the chickens out, we're tru'." With a wave of his huge paw he indicated the highway the turn of the path revealed.

The versification of this was of a much higher Order, being fairly respectable. The air is old, and a familiar one to all college students, and belongs to one of the most common of German household songs: O, Tannenbaum! O, Tannenbaum, wie tru sind deine Blatter! Da gruenst nicht nur zur Sommerseit, Nein, auch in Winter, when es Schneit, etc. which Longfellow has finely translated,

"Yes'm but I I only copied it," responded the culprit. "Who gave you the original?" "Rose." "Where did she get it?" "I I don't know Miss Hill. Really and tru truly I don't," faltered Helen, beginning to cry again. Gail and Ruth also disclaimed any knowledge of the verse, except that it had been put into their hands by Rose. They had read it, copied it, written notes about it and discussed it.

"Why should I do so?" retorted the young fellow without moving. Taking a red handkerchief from his bosom, the old man shook it out and applied it cautiously to his eyes. Then he said through its folds in the quiet accents of a man who is determined to persevere: "Why, you say? For the reason that the occasion is one when all ought to know the tru "

So the little Jewish tailor stood up before these American Bolsheviki, and with tears running down his cheeks declared: "Comrades, I am already tru vit speeches; I am going into dis var! I vill put myself vit de Polish Socialists, vit de Bohemian Socialists I fight de Kaiser to de death! So vill fight every Jewish Socialist in de vorld!"

Charity Coe Cheever, take the stand...." "Ju swear tell tru thole tru noth buth tru thelpugod?" "I do." McNiven, in the direct examination, asked only such questions as Charity easily answered with proud denials of guilt. Beattie began the cross-examination with a sneering scorn of her good faith. "Mrs. Cheever, you are the co-respondent in this case of Dyckman versus Dyckman?" "I am."

"If youse see a blue gummed negro be shore one don bite you foh dey are shore pizenous. "If youse have yer year to ring, sho sing of death. "Move on Friday, "Good Lawd No", youse would sho have bad luck. "One tru sign of death, if a dog howls at midnight, you will sho to die.

I told the Cheifs to attend to what we had Said to them, that in a Short time they would find our words tru and Councils good. they promised to attend Strictly to what had been Said to them, and observed that they must trade with the Sieoux one more time to get guns and powder; that they had no guns or powder and had more horses than they had use for, after they got guns and powder that they would never again have any thing to do with them &c. &c.

As your class stands before the world to-day free in form but slaves in spirit you are I do not know but I was almost ready to say a warning to philanthropists!" The free man of color slowly arose. "I trust you know," said Frowenfeld, "that I say nothing in offence." "Havery word is tru'," replied the sad man. "Mr.

He lay propped up on the pillows, with a red scarf tied round the withered scrag of his throat, and his spotless bed freshly arrayed by his mate's mother, who lived with them and "did for" both. "They du zay as Master Peter be carting of 'ee, Miss Zairy," he whispered. "Be it tru?" "Yes, Jack dear, it's true. Are you glad?" "I be glad if yu thinks yu'll git 'un," wheezed poor Jack.