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Then of indispensable single biographies there are Boswell's Johnson, Lockhart's Scott, Froude's Carlyle, Trevelyan's Macaulay, Froude's Caesar, Lewes' Goethe, etc. Of notable essays, a high class of literature in which there are many names, may be named Addison, Montaigne, Bacon, Goldsmith, Emerson, Lamb, De Quincey, Holmes, Lowell, etc.

Bailey's The Novels of George Meredith: A Study. Trevelyan's The Poetry and Philosophy of George Meredith. Beach's The Comic Spirit in George Meredith. Lionel Johnson's The Art of Thomas Hardy. Macdonell's Thomas Hardy. Abercrombie's Thomas Hardy: A Critical Study. Saxelby's Thomas Hardy Dictionary. Benson's Walter Pater. Paul's Matthew Arnold. Saintsbury's Matthew Arnold.

Early on the next morning Hugh started alone for Casalunga, having first, however, seen Mrs. Trevelyan. He took out with him certain little things for the sick man's table; as to which, however, he was cautioned to say not a word to the sick man himself. And it was arranged that he should endeavour to fix a day for Trevelyan's return to England. That was to be the one object in view.

I trust you will not fail to be at Edinboro' on the 20th, and at Sir W. Trevelyan's on the 24th. . . A letter of later date in the same month shows that Agassiz felt his views to be slowly gaining ground among his English friends. LONDON, November 24, 1840.

In this respect invention has stood still in England since the publication of Sir Charles Trevelyan's Report in 1855. Some slight modifications have taken place in the subjects chosen for examination, but the enormous changes in English educational conditions during the last half century have been for the most part ignored.

But that residence at Casalunga had been so terrible, the circumstances of it, including the solitude, sickness, madness, and habits of life of the wretched hermit, had been so dangerous, the probability of interference on the part of some native authority so great, and the chance of the house being left in Trevelyan's possession so small, that it had seemed to him that they had no other alternative; and yet, how would it be if they were killing him by the toil of travelling?

This letter, written, as all Mr. Trevelyan's were, by the authority of the Treasury, assumes that the Government had a full knowledge of the state of the food markets. And, no doubt, it was their bounden duty to collect such knowledge, by trusty agents, despatched at the earliest moment, to investigate and report upon the harvest-yield in Europe and America.

But she had made herself sure that the man in question was a man from London, a middle-aged man from London, who had specially asked for Mrs. Trevelyan, and who had at once been known to Mrs. Clegg, at the Lessboro' inn, to be Mrs. Trevelyan's lover. Miss Stanbury was very unhappy, and at last sent for Giles Hickbody. Giles Hickbody had never pretended to know the name.

But I do not like these interrogatives from a stranger as to matters which should be private." "You cannot wonder at my interest, Mr. Outhouse." "You had better restrain it, sir, till Sir Marmaduke arrives. I shall then wash my hands of the affair." "And she is pretty well; Emily, I mean?" "Mrs. Trevelyan's health is good."

I am going to write a book. You are surprised? But why? Other members of the family can write, why not I? I read in a review lately that John has great distinction of style, so perhaps I have too. Anyway, I have bought a pile of essay-paper and sixpenny-worth of J nibs, and I mean to find out. It is to be a book about the Mutiny, the information to be derived from Trevelyan's book on Cawnpore.