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The fires in the stationary engines were banked; the concrete mixers did not revolve; the conveyers were still; the dam site wore an air of abandonment. In headquarters the engineers worked over tracings or notes; and in the commissary store the half-dozen white foremen gathered to smoke and yarn. That was the extent of the activity. Two days passed.

Let me see, this is Wednesday, they arrive Thursday; Morgan, set the men to work on that mine Friday morning; we will be up here in the course of the forenoon, you see that everything is in first-class order. Houston, are those statements and tracings all ready?" "They are," replied Houston.

"Was it valuable?" Scotty asked. "More than valuable. It is irreplaceable. In terms of cash, however, the value is around a quarter of a million dollars." Rick whistled. "No wonder the guards watched us this morning." Dr. Kerama called, "Hakim, can you help with these tracings, please?" Farid joined the other scientists, leaving the boys to their own devices.

Outside the pane the moths crawled, some brilliant in scarlet and tan-color set with black, some snow-white with black tracings on their wings, and bodies peacock-blue edged with orange. The scientist in me was aroused; I called her to the window, and she came and leaned against the sill, nose pressed to the glass.

With the ramrod of his gun he sought to follow the fine tracings of the letters writ by the finger of the Lord on the stone tables that Moses flung down from the mountain-top in his wrath. With a devout thankfulness Purdee realized that he owned the land where they lay.

Me you have known, intimately, and are honest enough to own you have admired: but of her all ideal tracings are contemptible! Nor should this knight of the magic lanthorn be forgotten; this Nestor junior; this tormenting rival Oh how I could curse! He who stands, as ready as if Satan had sent him, to feed the spreading flames with oil! He fills his place on the canvas.

"How you could get enlightenment from those things is beyond me," he said. "But tell me what they indicated." "The candle and the match-sticks count for little," said Ashton-Kirk. "It is the tracings of melted tallow that possess the secret. Look closely at them. At first glance they may seem the random drippings of a carelessly held light.

They had defied him once, it is true but even that had been done out of fear, as it were. Dismayed, I spoke quickly to Seraphina. With her head resting on her hand, and her eyes following the aimless tracings of her finger on the table, she said: "It shall be as God wills it, Juan." "For Heaven's sake, don't!" said Sebright, coughing behind me. He understood Spanish fairly well.

No professors in colleges as yet knew anything of the cuneiform character; but there was a ci-devant clerk of the East India House a modest unknown man of the name of Norris who had made this little-understood subject his study, to whom the tracings were submitted; and so accurate was his knowledge, that, though he had never seen the Behistun rock, he pronounced that the cadet had not copied the puzzling inscription with proper exactness.

Also, further evidence is adduced by a careful comparison of the disputed writing, noting the pen-pressure or absence of any of the delicate unconscious forms, relations, shades, etc., characteristic of the standard writing. Forgeries by tracings usually present a close resemblance in general form to the genuine, and are therefore most sure to deceive the unfamiliar or casual observer.