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Though it's seven years since that cyclone swep' over them, they're all right and goin' ahead again, full swing, as if nothin' had happened." "And is Ross III. still king?" asked Nigel with much interest. "Ay at least he was king a few years ago when I passed this way and had occasion to land to replace a tops'l yard that had been carried away." "Then you won't arrive as a stranger?"

When first sighted she couldn't have been much more than a mile distant, and, pull as they did with the remains of their strength, she crossed their bows a good half-mile ahead, taking in tops'l as she fetched near the frigate.

Thus instructed, the Captain put himself at the head of the line. "Now, then, Captain," said Lewis, "let's have a true-blue nautical word of command hoist yer main tops'l sky-scrapers abaft the cleat o' the spanker boom, heave the main deck overboard and let go the painter or something o' that sort." "Hold on to the painter, you mean," said Slingsby.

'Rion craftily went on: "Look what a number of things have happened since he put this derned schooner into commission. We broke an anchor chain in Paulmouth Harbor, didn't we? And the old mud hook lies there to this day. Did you ever see so many halyards snap in your life, and in just a capful of wind? Didn't we have a tops'l carried away clean in that squall off Swampscott?

When they were within a mile of it, the wind began to drop away and by the time they could see the many rocks that surrounded it, rising like black fangs out of the white froth of the wave wash, it died out entirely. Frank looked anxious. "You had better," he said, addressing Manson, "eat a bite while Obed and I furl the jib and lower the tops'l. He can then row you ashore in the dory.

Jim was inclined to rebel now, but he felt that Job was more than a match for him and Bunks. Besides, he was the best seaman of the three. "Don't 'ee think we'd better close-reef the tops'l?" said Bunks, as Job came on deck; "if you'll take the helm, Jim and me will lay out on the yard." There was truly occasion for anxiety.

"There's not a piece of spare rope aboard, sir," said the first mate, coming up to the captain with a blank look; "we can't even get enough to cat and fish the anchor." "You can unreeve the tops'l halyards," replied the captain, quietly. This was done, and the anchor was secured therewith. "How much water in the hold?" asked the captain. "Three feet, sir; the carpenter has just sounded.

No wonder that nine days out we lost our fore tops'l. But stay; I fear I go too fast! For you must know that I went aboard that brigantine, and once aboard I could not go ashore again, partly because the strange, ill-assorted crew detained me at every turn, and partly because the longing was so strong upon me to see the things I had read of so often.

"She was under her gaff tops'l, but I see she couldn't stand it. 'Boys, says I, 'clew up that tops'l. Which they did, and put it in gaskets, and your Arthur, I mind, was one of the four men to go aloft to clew it up. Never a lad to shirk was Arthur.

The tops'l followed. Then the figure moved forward and passed behind the companionway of the fo'c's'le. We looked for it to appear upon the other side, but looked in vain. We saw it no more that night. What Hardenberg and I told each other between the time of the disappearing and the hour of breakfast I am now ashamed to recall.