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Coleman remembered the weak bewilderment of the little professor in hours that had not long passed, and it was with something of an impersonal satisfac- tion that he said to himself: " The old boy's got his war-paint on again." The professor had stepped sharply up to Coke and looked at him with eyes that seemed to throw out flame and heat.

She thought it good for them to see that she could make an excellent lather while she corrected their blunders "without looking," that a woman with her sleeves tucked up above her elbows might know all about the Subjunctive Mood or the Torrid Zone that, in short, she might possess "education" and other good things ending in "tion," and worthy to be pronounced emphatically, without being a useless doll.

We concealed a heavy sigh as a reminiscent look came into his shrewd, wan eyes, and he began: "Doubtless you ladies do not know that as long ago as1888"-I believe that was the date-"my organization sent a petition to the United States Congress praying for the adop- tion of this very amendment and we have stood for it ever since . . . ."

It is not very probable that we shall be able to discover much about the origin of this strange accumula- tion of rocks, yet the attempt will at least occupy us for some hours, and will relieve us from the monotony of our confinement on board.

He appealed for redress to the tribunals of his country; and the consequence of his appeal was an interminable litiga- tion, by which, however, finally, after the lapse of twenty-five years, he was established in his rights. In 1871 he paid his first visit to the domain which had been offered him half a century before, a term of which he had spent forty years in exile.

The effect was admirable; it brought back the impression of the way, in Rome itself, on evenings like that, the moonshine rests upon broken shafts and slabs of an- tique pavement. As we sat in the theatre, looking at the two lone columns that survive part of the decora- tion of the back of the stage and at the fragments of ruin around them, we might have been in the Roman forum.

In acquiring an automatic habit, which technique should become, principles tend to crystallize into rules, and a few such I have; counsels of perfection many of these, too often unrealized. I do not like the same word repeated in the same paragraph, though this lays a heavy tax on so-called synonymes. Assonances jar me, even two terminations "tion" near together.

This dirty old wretch whines and whimpers and tells a long story, and gets sixpence out of the girl and knows her by that time, inside and out, as well as if he had made her and, mark! hasn't asked her a single ques tion, and, instead of annoying her, has made her happy in the performance of a charitable action. Stop a bit! I haven't done with you yet. Who blacks your boots and shoes? Look here!"

And there was a great black crock upon the brandish with his legs a-sticking out, but I don't know what was in within." "And there's two bushels of biffins for apple-pies," said Maryann. "Well, I hope to do my duty by it all." said Joseph Poorgrass, in a pleasant, masticating manner of anticipa- tion.

Bathsheba's momentary impulse at hearing this was to ask why he thought that, till she remembered that, far from being a conceited assumption on Boldwood's part, it was but the natural conclusion of serious reflec- tion based on deceptive premises of her own offering.