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Benito was seated at the counter, talking confidentially, and in a very low voice, with Tio Pedro. "Are the bales ready, uncle? In two days from now we can run them through like oil in a tube." "Have you settled the terms?" "On both sides. Here the inspectors were difficult, but I oiled their palms. On the other side the Custom-house officers are my friends. All is straight and easy.

The wild goats on their inaccessible heights sprang from one narrow footing to another, and only when thunder rolled through the gloomy heavens, and fiery serpents flashed down to drink in the immense pool of the sea, did the timid beasts flee with bleating of terror to seek refuge in the recesses covered by juniper. On many stormy days Febrer went fishing with Tío Ventolera.

Having thus disposed of one opponent, McKay met a second, in the person of Tio Pedro, who, slower in his movements, had also come out in answer to his wife's appeal. "Who are you that dares to intrude here?" asked Pedro, roughly. "I will complain to the town major, and have you punished for this." "Look to yourself, rather!" replied McKay, hotly. "I stand too high to fear your threats.

Éste, que conoce de donde le viene el golpe, propone al padre, aturdido de tal mudanza, una ingeniosa ficción que ha de llevar a cabo sus deseos. Fíngese desheredado de un tío suyo, y desairado por don Pedro; aparenta la novelesca desesperación de un amante despedido, y estos extraordinarios medios hacen renacer el acomodaticio cariño de Matilde, que por lo visto sólo ama en casos dados.

She was running true to form a real daughter of tio Paella, drunkard that he had been, patron and agent of the girls in the Fishmarket section, talking around his house as though Dolores were some member of his "flock"! What could she ever have learned from a man like that! To be a bad girl, that's all, and no decency whatever. And that was how, just how, she had turned out!

More than one week-end he spent in the jail at headquarters whence his mother's tears and the "pull" tio Mariano had as a politician and distributor of election money, would finally extricate him.

But you couldn't blame her, could you? The real one to blame was he himself, great fool that he had been, ever to think of marrying a woman who had to be just what Dolores was! Hadn't siñá Tona always said so? Mother saw through her from the start, and had never wanted a girl of tio Paella's in the family. A bad woman, Dolores, granted!

She owned ships, robes of purple and palaces with terraced gardens, but she abandoned all to hide in the sea, waiting dozens of centuries for a wave to bear her to this coast so that Tío Ventolera might find her and bring her home to me. Why do you stare at me like that? You, poor child, cannot comprehend these things." Margalida did, indeed, look at him in surprise.

The Rector had grown up to be a lusty sailor, stingy of words, fearless in danger. From gato de barca he had graduated to the rank of able-bodied seaman and was the man of the crew on whom tio Borrasca most relied. Every month Pascualet handed four or five duros over to his mother to keep for him. Tonet was not settling down to any trade. A stubborn fight was going on between him and his mother.

Tio Pedro had gone off to a neighbouring wine-shop to exaggerate his recent prowess, and La Zandunga sat alone behind the counter. "Where is Benito? Has he gone?" asked Mariquita, nervously. "Yes. Did he frighten my sweet bird?" said her aunt, soothing her. "He is an indecent, ill-mannered rogue, and we shall be well rid of him." "Well rid of him? He really leaves us, then? For the Crimea?"