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"But yo' knaw you wouldn' bae happy wi' mae. I sud bae crool t' yo'. Nat because I wanted t' bae crool, but because I couldn' halp mysel. Theer'd bae soomthin' alse I sud bae thinkin' on and wantin' all t' while." "I knaw. I knaw. I wouldn' lat yo', Jim. I wouldn' lat yo'." "I knaw there's t' baaby an' all. It's hard on yo', Essy. But I dawn' knaw I ned bae crool to t' baaby, too."

A fortnight later you could 'a' looked on it wi' quiet mind an' knawed wheer to turn; to-day's it's just bin an' undone what was done. Not but what 'tis as butivul a letter as ever comed off the sea; but if theer'd awnly been time to 'stablish 'e 'fore it comed! Now you've turned your back 'pon the Household o' Faith just as arms was being stretched out that lovin'."

I'd as soon hear a bird-clapper preach as him theer'd be more sense an less noise! An they're findin it out down theer we'st see th' back on him soon.

An' if you was took, which God forbid, theer'd be that mort o' money to come to Michael, him bein' your faither that is, s'pose the cheel was took tu, which God forbid likewise. An' he'd burn it every note I mean Michael. Now if you was to name Tom just in case o' accidents ? He'm of your awn blood by's faither." "But my baaby must be fust." "In coorse er must. 'Tis lawful an' right.

"The lad's just as unbendin' as his father," pursued Mrs. Sennacherib, "though in a lighter-hearted sort of a way. He's as gay as the lark, our Snac is, even i' the face o' trouble, but there's no more hope o' movin' him than theer'd be o' liftin' the parish church and carryin' it to market.

So the word was passed through the district that "theer'd be fun at the rale trial," and it was awaited with intense interest by five thousand people. Peter saw the District Attorney the next morning for a few moments, and handed over to him certain memoranda of details that had not appeared in the committing court's record.

But the butty as gave him work kep the public, an if yer didn't drink, yer didn't get no work. You must drink yoursel sick o Saturdays, or theer'd be no work for you o Mondays. 'Noa, yer can sit at ome, they'd say to un, 'ef yer so damned pertickler. I ast yor pardon, sir, for the bad word, but that's ow they'd say it.

"All the same, theer'd be hell an' Tommy to pay mighty quick, if you an' me did the things that bwoy does, an' carried on that onreligious," replied Mr. Blee, with gloomy conviction. "Ban't fair to other people, an' if 't was Doomsday I'd up an' say so. What gude deeds have he done to have life smoothed out, an' the hills levelled an' the valleys filled up? An' nought but sour looks for it."

Eh, theer'd be no end to 't! An' then th' doin' for; gettin's mate an' that turnin' up 's nose very like ill-satisfied wi' a washin'-day dinner! Nay, nay, I'd sooner bide as I am wi' nobbut mysel' to look to."

Not that I believe parson's stuff more 'n you; but grizzlin' your guts to fiddlestrings won't mend your fortune. Best to put your time into work, 'stead o' talk same as me an' Bonus. And as for my money, you knaw right well if theer'd been two thousand 'stead of wan, I'd have shared it with Chris." "Easy to say!