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You'll find I can stand a good deal of testin'. I haven't sailed the salt sea for forty years for nothing." "Well then," said Ruth, looking slightly perplexed again. "What would you do, Captain Bream, if you knew of two ladies who were unable to work, or to find suitable work, and so poor as to be literally starving what would you do?" "Give 'em money, of course."

"That evenin' Eb come in an' set down on the edge of a chair, experimental, like he was testin' the cane. "'Miss Cally, s'e, when Elspie was out o' the room, 'you goin' t' let her go with them folks to the Alice County poorhouse? "I guess I dissembulated some under my eyelids bein' I see t' Eb's mind was givin' itself little lurches.

But I took a fancy to seein' how the engines made out under war conditions, an' figured I might get some useful notes on it for the firm, so I fixed it to come right along." "But how?" asked Courtenay "if that's not a secret." "Why, that guy in the testin' sheds was plump tickled when I told him my notion.

"Isn't it all perfectly fascinating?" says Vee, testin' the drum pedal. "But it's such a common, ordinary thing to do," protests Mrs. Garvey. "Drumming! Why, out in Kansas City I remember that the man who played the traps in our Country Club orchestra worked daytimes as a plumber. He was a poor plumber, at that." "But he was a swell drummer," says Garvey. "I took lessons of him, on the sly.

They'd be poundin' away on the scaffold an' testin' the rope while the trial was goin' on. Besides which you'd have to linger in a crummy jail for a couple of months waitin' for the grand jury to set on you.

"Stop monkeying with that engine, Bob!" yelled the red-faced man. "You want to get it all out of kilter again!" "I was only testin' the steam gauge," the boy answered. "Well, you let it alone, do you hear, and water the horses." "I have watered 'em!" "Well, water 'em some more! I'm not going to stop again till I get to the Bolton County Fair if I can help it."

Bill studied out this last remark before he answered, an' I was glad to notice it. Most fellers look for a marked passage, but I like to train 'em out to pan everything I say, an' then do their own testin'. Bill was all right. "Now, dear teacher," sez he, "if we are through with that lesson, we shall return to the original subject."

"That time I alloods to, when Colonel Sterett vouchsafes them recollections, we-all is in the r'ar wareroom of the New York Store where the whiskey bar'ls be, samplin' some Valley Tan that's jest been freighted in. As she's new goods, that Valley Tan, an' as our troo views touchin' its merits is important to the camp, we're testin' the beverage plenty free an' copious.

He hires a good crew at topnotch wages, and puts in his time plannin' irrigatin' ditches, experimentin' with fertilizers, doin' the seed testin', and readin' government reports; even has a farm bookkeeper. Then when cold weather comes, instead of turnin' off his help, he springs his side line, maybe workin' up the wood lot into shippin' crates, or developin' a stone quarry.

But the next morning she complained bitterly: "I tested ever' one o' them yaller coins las' night, they mout a put a counterfeit in the lot, an' see heah, Hillard " she grinned showing her teeth "I wore my teeth to the quick a testin' 'em!" The next week, as the train took the Bishop away, he stood on the rear platform to cry good-bye to Shiloh and Jack Bracken who were down to see him off.