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Yince they saw his heid appear abune water, still wi' his face to the other side; and then they got his body, for the tide was rinnin' low in the mornin'. I tell't them a' I kenned o' him, and they were sair affected. "Puir cratur," said yin, "he's shurely better now." So we brocht him up to the house and laid him there till the folk i' the town had heard o' the business.

The man's face brightened suddenly. "Aye, and is that so? Why couldn't ye have tell't me that afore? Keep your money in your pouch. You'll have the horses in the morn. I'll take it on myself to give them to you. I'd like fine to be going along. But there's the mistress and the weans. I darena leave them, and I willna. There's na yin only me and the God that's above us all for her to look to now."

But I wad like sair to ken wha sent hame the word o' 't." "I'm thinking it's been young Bruce." "The Lord be praised for a lee!" exclaimed Mrs Constable. "Haena I tell't ye afore noo, sae that it's no upmak to pick the lock o' the occasion, Anerew, that Rob Bruce has a spite at that faimily for takin' sic a heap o' notice o' Annie Annerson.

When I was a laddie at the schule, I was ance tell't that ane o' the loons was i' the wye o' mockin' my gran'father. Whan I hard it, I thocht I cud jist rive the hert o' 'im, an' set my teeth in't, as the Dutch sodger did to the Spainiard. Mem, a face is an awfu' thing!

I'm sure it wasna sae muckle worth; and ye hae been often tell't that it was broken, but that we wad willingly pay ye for't." "It's no payment I want, Mrs. Anderson," replied Mrs. Callender, with a high-spirited toss of the head. "I want my mug, and my mug I'll hae. Do ye hear that?" And here Mrs.

She startit yatterin' at me the nicht because I askit her for saxpence; so at last I tell't her I wud suner jine Kitchener's nor see her ugly face for anither week. 'What did she say? 'Said it was the first guid notion ever I had. 'Weel, said Macgregor eagerly, after a slight pause, 'since ye're for enlistin', ye'd best dae it the nicht, Wullie.

Soon Peg Macllrea was beside them. "I tell't the master where ye were," she said, "and I tell't Mr. Donald. They couldn't come theirsells, and they were afeard to let me out my lone. But I knew finely I could find you. I knew Neal here would mind my song. I brought you a bite and a sup so as you wouldn't be famished out here on the hillside."

There were them twa, a' colloguing, and a-seetting ilk in ither's laps a' o'er, and a-keessing, yes, my leddy, a-keessing as females, not to say males, ought nae to keess, unless they be mon and wife, and then not amang the rocks, my leddy; and if his lairdship does nae care to hear tell o' it, and finds it nae tastefu', as your leddyship was saying, he should nae ha' sent for Andy Gowran a' the way from Portray, jist to tell him what he wanna hear, now I'm come to tell't to him!"

"He may ha'e been kill't, but he was no' murder't," cried Jean, excitedly. "I tell ye 'twas purely by accident " she paused and suddenly clapped both hands over her mouth and rocked herself back and forth as if she had made some egregious blunder, then: "Gang on wi' yer tellin'. It's dour to bide waitin'. Gie me the letter an' lat me read it for mysel'." "Lat me tell't as I maun tell't.

It had been written that morning before leaving the town, and bore traces of hasty composition. It ran as follows: "SIR, This is to let ye know, dear Oliver, that I'm sure M. has got a bee in his bonnet. I'm thinking that some one we know has tell't him she will hae no trokings with him in the way he wants.