United States or Mauritius ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Pen was left alone in chambers for a while, for this man of fashion could not quit the metropolis when he chose always: and was at present detained by the affairs of his newspaper, the Pall Mall Gazette, of which he acted as the editor and charge d'affaires during the temporary absence of the chief, Captain Shandon, who was with his family at the salutary watering-place of Boulogne sur Mer.

Jolliet . . . Jolliet . . . O, Jolliet, what splendid faery quel spectacle féérique dream Dut frapper ton regard, quand Met thy regard, when on that ta nef historique mighty stream, Bondit sur les flots d'or du Bursting upon its lonely grand fleuve inconnu unknown flow, Quel éclair triomphant,

«On observe ces couches non-seulement au pied de rocs nuds du Grand Saleve, mais encore dans la partie de sa pente qui est boisée par exemple au dessous de la croisette, le chemin qui de ce hameau descend au village de Collonge, passe sur les couches inclinées, comme celles que je viens de décrireIn § 237, the description is continued.

Sur le coteau, la-bas ou sont les tombes, Un beau palmier, comme un panache vert, Dresse sa tete, ou le soir les colombes Viennent nicher et se mettre a couvert, Mais le matin elles quittent les branches; Comme un collier qui s'egrene, on les voit S'eparpiller dans Fair bleu, toutes blanches, Et se poser plus loin sur quelque toil.

Gabriel Naude at that conjuncture brought out his "Avis a la France sur les Freres de la Rose-croix," in which he very successfully exposed the folly of the new sect. This work, though not well written, was well timed. It quite extinguished the Rosicrucians of France; and, after that year, little more was heard of them.

This place also is infinitely rich in tin-mines. I am now at my journey's end. As to the islands of Scilly, which lie beyond the Land's End, I shall say something of them presently. I must now return sur mes pas, as the French call it; though not literally so, for I shall not come back the same way I went.

"What mun Ay do wi' t' horses, Sur?" asked Tim, touching his castor as he spoke. "Take them home, to be sure," replied Harry, "and meet us with them under the oak tree, close to Mr. Wisner's house, at five o'clock this evening." "Nay! nay!

There ain't such a thing on the Labrador Heights as a bird singin' in the night. That's only in warm countries where there's nightingales. So bien sur!" The boy had a wise, dreamy, speculative look. "Well, I guess it was a nightingale it didn't sing like any I ever heard." The look of nervousness deepened in the woodman's face. "What did it sing like, Dominique?" "So it made you shiver.

"Well, I'll tell you the rest to-morrow to-morrow night, when it's quiet like this, and the stars shine," he answered. "I'm going to have a home of my own like this ah, bien sûr, Pauline." That night the old Indian mother prayed to the Sun. "O great Spirit," she said, "I give thanks for the Medicine poured into my heart.

A good description of Holland and the Dutch, by a sensible and observant author: principally relating to manners and politics. Lettres sur la Hollande, 1777-79. La Haye, 1780. 2 vols. 12mo.