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Episodes of this kind, if only occasional, are not serious, because they are experienced in the context of a relationship that is predominantly loving, supportive, and encouraging. When the expressions of love and affection of children are not received with understanding and acceptance, their attempts to learn to love find no encouragement.

He was a Buddhist, did not fear death and did not want to be kept alive in agony or in prolonged unconsciousness by any extraordinary means, nor did he want to die with tubes in every orifice. I was honored to be a supportive participant in his passing. He died fasting, in peace, and without pain, with a clear mind that allowed him to consciously prepare for the experience.

Yet when I asked Rama if it was possible for a man and woman to have an emotionally and spiritually supportive relationship, he smiled, shook his head, and said, "Even if you find a woman whose consciousness is spiritually refined, it still wouldn't work because yours is not... "

Insure a harmonious environment with supportive people or else fast alone if you are experienced. Avoid well-meaning interference or anxious criticism at all cost. The faster becomes hypersensitive to others' emotions. 6. Rest profoundly except for a short walk of about 200 yards morning and night. 7. Drink water! At least three quarts every day. Do not allow yourself to become dehydrated! 8.

Ann had always been nice to him, and he was glad to be there, to be a supportive presence. She sighed and stepped back. "How nice to see you, Joe. Brendan's here. He flew in yesterday." "Hi, Joe." Brendan, his half brother, came through the front door. They patted each other on the arms, a compromise between hugging and shaking hands. "Brendan. A sad day," Joe said. "Yes."

The several bones which go to make up the supportive portion of the leg, are so joined at their points of articulation, that a minimum degree of strain is put upon each attachment.

Business and labor have been increasingly supportive. It's imperative that we in government do our part. We must stop excessive government growth, and we must control government spending habits. I've sent to this Congress a stringent but a fair budget, one that, since I ran for President in 1976, will have cut the Federal deficit in half.

Rearrangement of the supportive apparatus, however, is possible and usually necessary during the first few weeks of treatment. By employing care in handling the parts, the subject will be unlikely to do itself injury at the time readjustment of splints is being effected. In foals, it is best to give them the run of a box stall with the mother.

"Warped, I said," Fay dogmatized, stamping around. "Gussy, having the instructions persuasive instead of neutral turned out to be only the opening wedge. The next step wasn't so obvious, but I saw it. Using subliminal verbal stimuli in his tickler, a man can be given constant supportive euphoric therapy 24 hours a day! And it makes use of all that empty wire.

Had Atmananda's techniques ended there, I might have seen him as a confused combination of Big Nurse and McMurphy and left. But he managed, by flipping between abusive and supportive personas, to keep me off balance on an emotionally gut-wrenching roller coaster ride.