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Sorrow's shafts would be exhausted, thou couldst laugh at fortune's power. Tho' I lost thee, yet this thought would cheer me in my parting hour.

From sorrow it gets its sacred fragrance, from mutual service it draws its healing power, from the bitterness of parting it wins the sweetness of an inexpressible hope. It was under the stroke of a great bereavement, the death of his child, that Emerson, in the "Threnody," gave utterance to highest consolation soaring out of sorrow's darkness.

Trust on through sorrow's night, Faith is of love and hope the light. Two loving hearts may sever, For sorrow fails them never. Who knows not love in sorrow's night, He knows not love in light. Philip was by no means pleased. However, it was in anything but a sentimental manner that Guy, looking over him, said, 'For sever, read, be separated, but "a" wouldn't rhyme.

How sweetly could I lay my head Within the cold grave's silent breast, Where sorrow's tears no more are shed, No more the ills of life molest. Mr. Armstrong escaped, to all appearance, with a cold, from the accident. But although this seemed the only effect produced upon his bodily health, his mind had suffered a severe shock which was not equally obvious.

But, repassing the house, the man still appeared, leaning against his door-jamb, and as if waiting for Shamus's return, whom, upon this second occasion, he eyed more attentively than before. "Sorrow's in him," thought Shamus, "have I two heads on me, that I'm such a sight to him? But who cares about his pair of ferret eyes? I 'll thrudge down the middle stone of it, at any rate!"

"Till his lips would quiver, and sighs of bliss From sorrow's bosom would break; And the tear, soft and slow, would gather and flow; And yet he would not wake. "Every night the pale-faced man Sat by his bed, I say; And in mail rust-brown, with his visor down, Rode beside him in battle-fray.

Alas! that it should so often need sorrow to bear into our hearts that we owe all to Him, but even then, if not before, it is well to remember how much good we have received of the Lord, and the remembrance should not be 'a sorrow's crown of sorrow, but a thankful one. IV. The thankful resignation to God's loving administration of the law.

Philip heard the sounds that had caused the motion of the sympathizing tail the rich tones of Guy's voice. Stepping over the dog, he entered, and heard more clearly 'Two loving hearts may sever, For sorrow fails them never. And then another voice 'Who knows not love in sorrow's night, He knows not love in light.

That Wagner had to quit Munich was a sad thing in his life a very sorrow's crown of sorrow; and it was a bad thing for German music. It put back the clock many years. But, sad though it was for Wagner, in the long run it proved good for him.

Slowly light came, the thinnest dawn, Not sunshine, to my night; A new, more spiritual thing, An advent of pure light. All grief has its limits, all chastenings their pause; Thy love and our weakness are sorrow's two laws. The winter that followed seemed very long and uneventful.