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"S'posin' we don't hit her, in this fog!" asked Jean Lafitte. "It is our business to do that," was my reply. "In an hour or so more we shall know. How did you leave the ladies, Jean?" "Jimmy, he's sicker'n anything," was his reply, "except the old lady, and she's sicker'n Jimmy! The young lady, Miss Emory, she's all right, an' she's holdin' their heads. She says she don't get sick.

"I like to dide, and that is one thing, I think, that makes this disappointment in love harder to bear. But I felt sorry for Ma. Ma ain't got a very strong stummick, and when she got some of that cod liver oil in her mouth she went right up stairs, sicker'n a horse, and Pa had to help her, and she had noo-ralgia all the morning.

Sicker'n a pup she was; it was a mess. Said she'd " "I'd better have her up and question her, if she's well enough," Dundee interrupted, as tactfully as possible. "It seems that she had an abscessed tooth out today, with gas and a local anesthetic.... Now, Miss Raymond, will you tell me exactly what you meant by saying it must have been Lydia who killed her mistress?"

After remaining in the smoke-tainted room for a while, he emerged and bluntly confided his suspicions to Raidler. "His arm," said Chad, "is harder'n a diamond. He interduced me to what he called a shore-perplexus punch, and 'twas like being kicked twice by a mustang. He's playin' it low down on you, Curt. He ain't no sicker'n I am.

Si turned his head so as to witness the operation, and grinned throughout it. "I think you'd both feel still better if you could have your hair cut," said the Deacon, as he finished and looked from one to the other. "Your hair's too long for sick people, and it makes you look sicker'n you really are. But I hain't got no shears." "I know I'd feel better if I was sheared," said Shorty.

I'm not the kind to git down in the mouth you know me well enough for that. I'm sick, sick I tell you sicker'n any other man in this hospital, an' nothin' but the best o' nursin' 'll save my life for the country. O, how I wish I was at home with my mother; she'd take care o' me."

Arizona threw all the scorn he was capable of into the words, and laughed with funereal gravity. "Say, that's real good real good. Him dead? Wal, I guess not. Pshaw! Say, missie, you ain't ast after my health, an' I'm guessin' I oughter be sicker'n him, wi' that mare o' his. Say, jest git right ahead an' fix that bunk fer him, like the daisy gal you are. What about bl your father, missie?"

A cousin of mine's a wagon master and he ain't going ter give up easy. I kinder thought I might help " "I'm just waiting," said Coffin, "until Jim here gets over his spasm. Then I'll give the word." Jim groaned. "I feel sicker'n a yaller dog after a fight 'n' you know I didn't mind 'em at all when they were really here! You two go on, 'n' I'll come after awhile."

Q's representative of this class Si went, and was piloted to where, after solemn assurances against "giving away," he procured a halfpint of fairly-good applejack, into which he put his doses of quinine. In the middle of the night Shorty woke up with a yell. "Great Cesar's ghost!" he howled, "what's the matter with me? I'm sicker'n a dog. Must've bin them dodgasted peaches.

After remaining in the smoke-tainted room for a while, he emerged and bluntly confided his suspicions to Raidler. "His arm," said Chad, "is harder'n a diamond. He interduced me to what he called a shore-perplexus punch, and 'twas like being kicked twice by a mustang. He's playin' it low down on you, Curt. He ain't no sicker'n I am.