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Tum per Pechoram redire statuit, atque illic hybernare: vel si id non poterit, in flumen Duinae, quo mature satis pertinget, atque ita primo vere proximo in itinere progredi. Vtinam Alferius hic Cosmographiam melius saperet, multum ad illius vsum adiungeret, qui sane plurimus est.

Go at once and order post-horses, and come with the travelling carriage to the corner of the street above this." "Si, signora; I shall leave the carriage there, and return for the two caskets; you will then go out by the postern, and having joined us, we are off. Is that your will?" "Yes, Giuseppe, yes. Go for your life!"

As Shorty did not see any present occasion for lying, he had no trouble in telling a convincing straightforward story. Si successfully worked the loss-of-voice racket, and left the burden of conversation to his partner. The Major seemed satisfied, and said at the conclusion: "Very good. I'll take you back with me when I return, and place you in a good regiment."

Pap, at 400 yards," said Si, who had rolled over to the side of the wagon, and was watching him from under the cover, which was raised up a little. "Put your sights up to the 400 mark, and then draw the top o' the bead down fine into that notch, and she'll put it right where you hold her." By this time the sharpshooter had finished up the mules on the team ahead, and begun on that of the Deacon.

They were urged on by two mounted officers wear ing respectively the silver stars of a Colonel and a Major. "The feller on the bay hoss's my meat," shouted Shorty from the left. "All right," answered Si. "I'll take the chap on the roan." "Wait a little," cautioned the Lieutenant. "We'll get more of them if you do. Now, let them have it. Ready Aim FIRE!"

The silver ducat of Naples is worth 80 grani, or rather less than 80 cents: the golden ducat, or sequin, of Italy, Holland, Turkey, etc., is worth a trifle more than two American dollars. Raoul was offered the former. "S'nore, si; your eccellenza says the truth; a good ducat certainly deserves good services." "Bene.

Prosternunt se in faciem et discoopertis natibus, jubent ut supra nudas nates conficirtur panis, ut eo decocto tradunt maritis suis ad comedendum. Hoc ideo faciunt ut plus exardescant in amorem suum. Si fecisti, duos annos per legitimas ferias pœniteas. "Fecisti quad quædam mulieres facere solent?

Everybody is engaged or inclined to help you; the ministers, English and German, the principal ladies, and most of the foreign ministers; so that I may apply to you, 'nullum numen abest, si sit prudentia'. Du Perron will, I believe, be back there from Turin much about the time you get there: pray be very attentive to him, and connect yourself with him as much as ever you can; for, besides that he is a very pretty and well-informed man, he is very much in fashion at Hanover, is personally very well with the King and certain ladies; so that a visible intimacy and connection with him will do you credit and service.

"He digged a ditch, he digged it deep; He digged it for his brother, But for his great sin he fell in The ditch he'd digged for t'other." "Good, good, Monty," said Si. "That's the best thing I've heard you spout yit. Give us some more of it." "There isn't any more of it.

Finally, from this place, which the Doctor perverteth for kneeling, it appeareth that the gesture or posture in receiving the sacrament used in that place where Tertullian lived, was standing; because, speaking of the receiving of the sacrament, he saith, Si et ad aram Dei steteris. Sect. 27.