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'It was a bonnie bairnie as ever ye saw. It luikit in her face, she says, as gin it kent a' aboot it, and had only come to help her throu the warst o' 't; for it gaed hame 'maist as sune's ever she was richt able to thank God for sen'in' her sic an angel to lead her to repentance. 'John, said his wife, coming behind his chair, and laying her hand on his shoulder, 'what for dinna ye speyk?

The widow lifted amazed hands to heaven. "De impidence er dem Dagoes! Little mo' an' dey'll be sen'in' messages to you er me! What her name?" "Name Bertha Grass," responded Mrs. Morton, "an', nigh as I kin make out, she live in one er dese little w'ite-paint cottages, right 'long yere." "Yas'm! I knows dat Dutch gal, ole man Grass, de tailor, dass his niece.

Heaps o' things dis: Marse Chan he done gi' Miss Anne her pa jes' ez good ez I gi' Marse Chan's dawg sweet 'taters, an' she git mad wid 'im ez if he hed kill 'im 'stid o' sen'in' 'im back to her dat mawnin' whole an' soun'. B'lieve me! she wouldn' even speak to 'im arfter dat! "Don' I 'member dat mawnin'!

Heaps o' things dis: Marse Chan he done gi' Miss Anne her pa jes' ez good ez I gi' Marse Chan's dawg sweet 'taters, an' she git mad wid 'im ez if he hed kill 'im 'stid o' sen'in' 'im back to her dat mawnin' whole an' soun'. B'lieve me! she wouldn' even speak to him arfter dat! "Don' I 'member dat mawnin'!

"Weel, I dinna won'er at that!" returned Agnes with a little sigh. "Efter the w'y the maister behaved til ye, the laird cud ill lat ye gang there again. But what's he gaein' to du wi' ye, Maister Cosmo, gien a body micht speir 'at has nae richt to be keerious?" "He's sen'in' me to maister Simon," answered Cosmo. "I wuss I was gaein' tu," sighed Aggie.