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The prima donna sings well, but is inanimate, and if you did not see her acting, but only singing, you might suppose she was not singing at all, for she can't open her mouth, and whines out everything; but this is nothing new to us. The seconda donna looks like a grenadier, and has a very powerful voice; she really does not sing badly, considering that this is her first appearance.

Rocco told Agostino, that up to the last moment, neither he nor any soul behind the scenes knew Vittoria would be able to appear, except that she had sent a note to him with a pledge to be in readiness for the call. Irma had come flying in late, enraged, and in disorder, praying to take Camilla's part; but Montini refused to act with the seconda donna as prima donna.

He speaks beautiful Italian and constantly, and in a little while we know that he was born at Ferrara, bred at Venice, and is now a citizen of Rome. "St. Peter's, Signori, have you ever seen it? is the first church of the world. At Ferrara lived Tasso and Ariosto. Venice is a lovely city. Ah! what beauty! But unique. My second country. , Signori, la mia seconda patria." After a pause, "Va bene."

There was only one in the house, posted up near the box-office; we went and inspected it Per questa sera dara 2 recite la prima alle 5.5 la seconda alle 8 Pugna fra Sacripante e il Duca d'Avilla Ferrau uccide Medoro e acquista Angelica Morte di Sacripante per mani di Ferrau Morte di Angelica.

Thomas what was the best mode of studying theology, he replied, 'To study the works of a single theologian; and being asked what theologian it was desirable to fix on, he named Alexander Hales. Thus," continues Gerson, "the writings of St. Thomas, and principally the Seconda Seconda, show how familiar the works and doctrine of Alexander were to him."

.... Vi prego di dire al Sig. Mi dispiace che il Sig. Hieri sera era la prima prova coi stromenti della seconda opera, ma ho sentito solamente il primo atto, perche a secondo mene andiedi essendo gia tardi. In quest' opera saranno sopra il balco 24 cavalli e . . . mondo di gente, che saro miracolo se non succede qualche disgrazia.

The weighty chapter in Alberti's Treatise on Painting, lib. iii. cap. 5, might be used to support this paragraph. Quercia, born 1374; Ghiberti, 1378; Brunelleschi, 1379; Donatello, 1386. They are engraved in the work cited above, Le Tre Porte, seconda Porta, Tavole i. ii. The bas-reliefs of S. Petronio were executed between 1425 and 1435.

She does not sing as well as she acts, and is the wife of a violin-player at the opera. Her name is Masci. The opera was the "Clemenza di Tito." Seconda donna not ugly on the stage, young, but nothing superior. Primo uomo, un musico, Cicognani, a fine voice, and a beautiful cantabile. The other two musici young and passable. Ballerino primo good, but an ugly dog.

Fitzgerald, but I can see that his presence is irksome to her; and then his sudden irruption into her room, as told by Giovanna, has given rise to some green-room gossip. The tenor is rather too assiduous in his attentions, you know; and the seconda donna is her enemy, because she has superseded her in his affections.

Again the audience shouted, "Bis! Bis!" The duet with Adalgisa was more difficult; for she had not yet learned to be an actress, and she was embarrassed by the consciousness of being an object of jealousy to the seconda donna, partly because she was prima, and partly because the tenor preferred her.