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Sitting in the shade of the poop, they opened the box, which was filled with fine dull-yellow grains. Then Lister sent a man to the boat for some things he had brought, and when the fellow came back hung a small steel cup from a spring-balance. "The scale's pretty accurate; I use it on board," he said.

Anything less than one hundred and sixty acres was small scale." "Just the same," Billy held stubbornly, "large scale's a whole lot better'n small scale like all these dinky gardens." Saxon sighed. "I don't know which is the dinkier," she observed finally, " owning a few little acres and the team you're driving, or not owning any acres and driving a team somebody else owns for wages."

He got off his horse; and shielding himself from the chill, damp breeze, stood there. What was the matter? Was he searching? Should he be killed? And what then? Young Lieutenant Scale's heart pounded so that Kit Carson afterward said he had heard it beating "like a maul." The sentry struck flint and steel. As some tinder in his hands caught, they might see that he was lighting a cigarette.

Thomas L. Carson, my mother's youngest brother, who was in the Thirty-fourth North Carolina Regiment, Scale's Brigade, tells the following: "We had stacked our muskets in surrender in the open beside the road, awaiting our paroles, when a large column of Federal troops passed us in steady, quiet tramp, followed by the rear guard bringing up about 2,000 stragglers.

I can't tell you exactly what the other three did." There was a strained silence. Dundee saw Polly Scale's hand tighten convulsively on Clive Hammond's, saw Janet Raymond flush scarlet, watched a muscle jerk in Flora Miles' otherwise rigid face. Suddenly he sprang to his feet. "I am going to make what will seem an absurd request," he said tensely.

"Then Carnaby came along." I remained quite still. She spoke now with downcast eyes, and one finger just touching the water. "One gets bored, bored beyond redemption. One does about to these huge expensive houses I suppose the scale's immense. One makes one's self useful to the other women, and agreeable to the men.