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Captain Rallywood, tell my father of Count Sagan's visit to the Duke's rooms in the middle of the night with Baron von Elmur. I we, Isolde and I heard the shots. You do not know it, but there is a plot. Your life is not safe! Captain Rallywood is right; no life that stands in Count Sagan's way is safe!

Selpdorf forgot that Sagan is a wild beast who can only be fed with blood! Counsellor paused. 'The highway robbery with violence to which I have been subjected is Sagan's bull-headed translation of Selpdorf's hint to detain me. Thus, according to their calculations, before I can get to Révonde the Duke will have been induced to lend himself to some other course.

The death and the burial of Colendorp, Sagan's resentment and his ruthless scheming were all eddies of circumstance circling inward and carrying him with them to a definite issue. As he rode on the weather grew rapidly worse, and it soon became impossible to see more than a few yards ahead.

But the plan was a curiously stupid one, for nothing could satisfactorily explain Major Counsellor's presence there, since it was well known to the British Legation in Révonde that he was entering, not leaving Maäsau. Selpdorf stood silent. Here was another ill-devised amendment born of Count Sagan's blundering brain. 'It is a very strange story, he said at length.

'Sagan wears a more gloomy and cut-throat air than ever, Cousin, he said, irritably. Sagan's response was covered by the entrance of the suite, the whole party being brought up by Rallywood and a couple of troopers of the Guard.

The corridors are held by Count Sagan's men. Mademoiselle Selpdorf has brought the news. 'What! You told me not two hours ago she was engaged to von Elmur. She is the price of Selpdorf's treason. Unziar stepped nearer. 'Mademoiselle Selpdorf has already risked her life to warn us that we are in danger. I'd stake my soul she is loyal. 'Good indeed, Anthony!

Colendorp's silence was telling on Sagan's self-control. 'Yes, the Duke! he reiterated. 'He has never given a thought to the welfare of Maäsau. Its revenues are his necessity, that is all! If the ruler will not take the interests of the country into consideration, his people must supply his place.

Well, it was good to know that Colendorp had not died in vain; indirectly but none the less surely his death had brought about the defeat of Sagan's plot. Then he rode away into the heart of the winter woods, where the branches groaned and thrashed under the driving wind.

Sagan's bloodshot eyes darkened. He had the guile of a plotter, but lacked something of the self-control. Counsellor, who appeared to be watching the dancers, turned upon this and added: 'And I have been thanking Madame de Sagan for the invitation. 'Ah, I knew you wouldn't come! Well, you will lose nothing. We shall have a houseful of fools, interrupted the Count roughly.

Valerie received the letter in Madame de Sagan's apartments. The Countess lay on a couch, reading a French novel and yawning. 'What a devoted papa! she exclaimed, glancing up. Valerie did not immediately reply. She was standing at the deep embayed window that looked out towards the river and the apparently endless desolation beyond.