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In this connection it were well to recall the really brilliant epigram of the Abbé de Saint-Réal, that 'On s'ennuie presque toujours avec ceux que l'on ennuie. For not even a lover can fail to be bored at last by the constant lassitude of assent expressing itself in twin sentiments to his own. 'Coquetting with an echo, Carlyle called it.

It is more in your line; you still have faith in it." "Oh, I do," she rejoined quickly; "and so would you if you were in love. You'd be content to be on a rock in the mid ocean if she were there." "Love on a desert island," returned the young man, smiling significantly; "Oh, le premier jour, c'est bon; le deuxieme jour, ce n'est pas si bon; le troisieme jour mon Dieu, mais comment on s'ennuie!"

Many comedies have either a plural noun or some collective term as their title. "Les Femmes savantes," "Les Precieuses ridicules," "Le Monde ou l'on s'ennuie," etc., represent so many rallying points on the stage adopted by different groups of characters, all belonging to one identical type. It would be interesting to analyse this tendency in comedy.

I shall be somebody. The rest won't matter. The marriage will then be a romantic affair, and romantic affairs are not unpopular dans le monde ou l'on s'ennuie." This declaration was all very well; the former part all very noble, the latter exhibiting a knowledge of the world rather shrewd for one so young. But when would he be able to attain his unassailable position? Some years hence.

'Monsieur, me repondit-il, 'nous passons notre vie a conjuguer tous le meme verbe; Je m'ennuie, tu t'ennuies, il s'ennuie, nous nous ennuyons, vous vous ennuyez, ils s'ennuient; je m'ennuyois, je m'ennuierai," &c. THIEBAULD, Mem. de Frederic le Grand.

He broke off, and looked at the Duchessa. She kept her eyes down. "Yes the play?" she questioned, in a low voice, after a little wait. "The play was Monsieur Pailleron's 'Le monde ou l'on s'ennuie'," he said. "Oh," said she, still keeping her eyes down. Her voice was still very low. But there was something in it that made Peter's heart leap. "The next time I saw her," he began...

Rumours of the most contradictory character are rife from morning till night in the open air lobby of the Assembly the Rue des Réservoirs. Deputies who "ought to know better" circulate very absurd canards; but, as remarks a local print, "Que voulez-vous? On s'ennuie, il faut bien passer le temps!"

'Among the English who this year elected to take their repose and recreation at Trouville there was no more brilliant figure than Mrs. Luke Widdowson. This lady is well know in the monde where one never s'ennuie; where smart people are gathered together, there is the charming widow sure to be seen. We are able to announce that, before leaving Trouville, Mrs.

Decidedly, the picture was not flattering to Rachel. "On s'ennuie presque toujours avec ceux qu'on ennuie." Hester did not fail a second time to warn the Gresleys of the arrival of guests. She mentioned it in time to allow of the making of cakes, and Mr.

That Attila should treat the kings who are dependent on him like good-for-nothing fellows: Ils ne sont pas venus, nos deux rois; qu'on leur die Qu'ils se font trop attendre, et qu' Attila s'ennuie Qu'alors que je les mande ils doivent se hater: may in one view appear very serious and true; but nevertheless it appears exceedingly droll to us from the turn of expression, and especially from its being the opening of the piece.