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"The left entirely," replied his companion: "the divil a game at all the right's gettin', whatever's the rason of it, an' I'm always turnin' up black. I hope none of my friends or acquaintances will die soon." "Throw them aside quit of them," said Prank, "give them to me, I'll put them past; an' do you bring us out the gun.

Shall write the editor.... It is discouraging that no man does right for right's sake, but everything to serve party.... I find such comfort in Aurora Leigh when I am sorely pressed.... Heard Stephen A. Douglas today; a low spectacle for both eye and ear.... Gave my lecture on "The True Woman" at Penn Yan teachers' institute.

As they met they dived upon one another and pushed and shoved until the left team had isolated one of the right's players, who was the only one on his team wearing an orange jersey. They dived on him and jumped until the whole field was piled high with them, and then they slowly began to disembark.

"Why, hang it, Tommy! I don't know but I'm ready to listen to your siren spiel now!" In the darkness Semple's eyes gleamed. His receipts had never been so good since West left him. "That's the talk! I need you in my business, old boy. By the bye, you can come in at bully advantage if you can move right away. I'm going to come talk with you to-morrow." "Right's the word," said West.

Whenever she herself, her awkward hands, her weak will, her inattention, her restlessness, give her some task she likes, some pleasure or occupation for which she has shown decided preference, and thus make happiness follow close upon the heels of effort. We who see more clearly the meaning of life know that this will not always happen, and we can be content to do right for right's sake.

You see me set off this mornin' bright 'n' beamin', 'n' you see me come home this night burnin' 'n' bitter, 'n' it's nothin' but right's you sh'd be fully took in to the betwixt 'n' between.

In another moment he re-appeared in the doorway; not with any papers in his hand but, instead, a long rifle, that with its butt resting on the door-stoop, stood almost as high as himself? "Now, Mister Turn-me-out?" said he, speaking in a satirical triumphant tone, and raising the piece in front of him, "thur's my title my pre-emption right's the right o' the rifle.

Look at me with a place of my own, where nobody's right's greater than my own; where no one has a right but me and Mag; a place where where there's nothing to hide from the police!" You lose the quickness of the hunter and the nerve of the hunted. And worse you lose your taste for the old risky life.

"It's me, what there is left on me," growled Tom. "Great ugly rough 'un. Best thing you can do will be smuggle me a noo blue shirt from Jarsey." "Tom Bodger?" "Tom Bodger it is." "Why are you sitting on me? I thought " "You thought," growled Tom, scornfully. "What right's a chap like you to think?" "But I thought the press-gang had got me."

"Ay, there'll be mercy when right's been done Our Man, and not till then. I've held my tongue for half a lifetime, but I'll speak now and bring him back. Ay, he shall come back and take the place that is his, and all that belongs to him. That lordship yonder let him go out into the world and make his place as the Egyptian did.