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In all probability they would be most unfavourable to Ling Chu, who would come immediately under suspicion. Tarling, however, was satisfied or perhaps it would be more accurate to say inclined to be satisfied with his retainer's statement. Some of his story was susceptible to verification, and the detective lost no time in making his way to the Stores.

Behind that moon-face with the troubled eyes, what conflict was in progress between unquestioning morality and unquestioning belief in Gyp, between fears for her and wishes for her happiness, between the loyal retainer's habit of accepting and the old nurse's feeling of being in charge? She said faintly: "Oh dear! He's a nice gentleman, too!"

Leaving his father to the felicitations of the station-master, he went into the Lobourne road to look for his faithful Tom, who had received private orders through Berry to be in attendance with his young master's mare, Cassandra, and was lurking in a plantation of firs unenclosed on the borders of the road, where Richard, knowing his retainer's zest for conspiracy too well to seek him anywhere but in the part most favoured with shelter and concealment, found him furtively whiffing tobacco.

There was little indeed to see in the great gaunt shell where the main dispositions and the general apportionment of space, the style of an age of ampler allowances, had nevertheless for its master their honest pleading message, affecting him as some good old servant's, some lifelong retainer's appeal for a character, or even for a retiring- pension; yet it was also a remark of Mrs.

But what amused Peggy most, and caused her to laugh aloud as she took a spoonful of luscious sliced peaches, was the manner in which the letter was addressed. Old Jerome who was serving her in the pretty delft breakfast-room took an old retainer's privilege to ask: "What 'musin' you, honey-chile?" "Didn't know I was an esquire, did you, Jerome? Well I am, because this letter says so.

I hurried to him with my message, and it may be his last hours were more peaceful because of my going. Rachel will come into her full possessions in a short time, as you say. Mapleson, will you renounce your retainer's fees in your interest in the orphaned?" It was Tell's bad day, and he swore sulphureously in a low tone. "Now I'll take up this matter where I left off," John Baronet said.

Holbein painted many portraits of Henry VIII. and probably all those dated after 1537 were either copies or founded upon the portrait which Holbein made and which was destroyed with Whitehall. While he painted for Henry, Holbein received a sort of retainer's fee of thirty pounds a year, but he may have received sums for outside commissions which he undertook.

"Indeed, her disguise is complete," replied the tearful old lady. Dorothy's disguise was so complete and her resemblance to me had been so well contrived that she met with no opposition from the guards in the retainer's room nor from the porter. She walked out upon the terrace where she strolled for a short time.

My ancestors have followed yours for two centuries, and taken the good with the bad and I am as they are; you know this." De Ganache looked at him, and as I heard this faithful retainer's words I began to understand the force that my opponent had on his side. After a moment's pause Pechaud continued: "But, monsieur, a word from an old man. How long is this to last?

Joyce glanced at the captain, expecting orders to seize the returned run-away; but his superior read at once good faith in the expression of his old retainer's countenance. "You have occasioned us a good deal of surprise, O'Hearn, on more accounts than one," observed the captain, who thought it prudent to assume more sternness of manner than his feelings might have actually warranted.