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"I dunno's there was ever anything wrong with his heart," said Old Man Curry. "Lots of folks make that mistake and think a man's heart is bad when it's only his habits that need reformin'. Now Eliphaz, on his breeding, he ought to " "Yes, yes! I know all about his breeding by Stormcloud out of Frippery but he never ran to his breeding before.

And who do you think it was? Why, our friend Louis Sylvester!" Mrs. Merrydew smiled slightly, with her bright eyes still on the speaker. "Well, you know he IS fast at times if he is a friend of mine and she reg'larly tackled him; and as my old woman says, it was a sight to see her go for him. But then HE didn't tumble to it. No! Reformin' ain't in HIS line I'm afeard. And what was the result?

If I get it I want to go and blow it in. I don't want you to hand me the roll an' then start any reformin' stunt a-holdin' of it in trust an' a probation officer a-pussy-footin' me, or any funny business. I want the wad an' a clear road to the bright lights with no word passed along to pinch me. Do I git it? "'It's a trade!" I said. "'O.K., he answered, and he took up the bucket.

He told us all about his last attack of delirium tremens." "You don't say so! Well, sir, I never thought Alf could find the time to reform ag'in. He's too busy gittin' tight," mused Anderson. "But I guess reformin' c'n git to be as much a habit as anythin' else." "I think he was a little woozy to-night," ventured 'Rast Little. "A little what?" "Drunk," explained 'Rast, without wasting words.

Shall we?" So when we left to catch a late train for Long Island it looked like West Hundred and Umpty Umpt street was going to have something new sprung on it. Course, we didn't know how far these two young couples would get towards reformin' New York, but they sure was in earnest, 'specially young Mrs. Bill, who seems to have more or less common sense tucked away between her ears.

"I reckon I can thrash my own children when it’s needed, without gettin’ in help from the East, or hereabouts either, for that matter. If other folks would only take out their public-spirited reformin’ tendencies on their own famblies, there’d be a heap less lynchin’ likely to happen round the country in the course of the next ten years." Old Sally let the home-thrust pass.

"You see," continued Finnegan after a bit, "I know about this game, and I'm givin' you a friendly word. What the hell does a kid like you want to be reformin' things for anyway?" "What else can I do?" asked Samuel. To which the other answered, "Do? Get yourself a decent job, and find some girl you like and settle down. You'll never know what there is in life, Sammy, till you've got a baby."

Don't mistreat him, but O'mie, for Heaven's sake, kape your eyes open, especially when he promises to be good. It's our stunt, Phil, to watch him close now he's took to reformin' to the girls." "O'mie, we know, and Father Le Claire knows, but how can we make those foolish girls understand? Mary believes everything that's said to her anyhow, and you heard Marjie to-night.

As the Deacon continued, the carpenter dropped his head to one side, raised one eye-brow inquiringly, and awaited the conditions. But when the Deacon said "That's all," George Hay seized the Deacon's hard old hand, gave it a grasp which brought agonized tears to the eyes of its venerable owner, and exclaimed: "Deacon, God's people are reformin'!"

"Won't it change you to know that if you force this marriage you'll lose all?" "All! Ain't that more queer talk?" "I mean lose all your son, your adopted daughter his chance of reformin', her hope of happiness. These ought to be all in life left to you." "Wal, they are. But I can't see your argument. You're beyond me, Wade. You're holdin' back, like you did with your hell-bent story."