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There is a greater effect on the nerve-centres, but less swelling of the wound itself, and, whereas the blood of the rattlesnake's victim coagulates, the blood of the victim of an elapine snake that is, of one of the only poisonous American colubrines becomes watery and incapable of coagulation. Snakes are highly specialized in every way, including their prey.

The A-B-Sea Serpent nodded glumly in the Rattlesnake's direction. "Now don't quarrel," begged the Scarecrow. "You are both charming and unusual, and if you follow that Yellow Road, you will come to the Emerald City, and Ozma will be delighted to welcome you." "The Emerald City! We must see that, my dear Rattles."

Dug Doble was chosen both starter and judge. Dave watched Whiskey Bill with the trained eyes of a horseman. The animal was an ugly brute as to the head. Its eyes were set too close, and the shape of the nose was deformed from the effects of the rattlesnake's sting. But in legs and body it had the fine lines of a racer. The horse was built for speed. The cowpuncher's heart sank.

If water is put on them Western Colorado fruit lands are very valuable, you know." "That's a lie. Water can't make five sections worth a range like ours. But supposing it could " the puncher leaned towards Ashton, his eyes glaring with the cold malignancy of a striking rattlesnake's "supposing it could, how about us letting her lose her good name?" "Good God!" gasped Ashton.

And remember in the future that you can't fool about the fire escapes of a thirteen story flat as you can a straight foothill of the Rockies or a Lake Superior silver mine. But take care of yourself, Gladney. You can't drown a mountain with the squirt of a rattlesnake's tooth; you can't flood a memory with cognac. I've tried it. For God's sake don't drink any more. What's the use?

Now and then Morgan saw his face as the others bunched and shifted in their struggles to break loose, his mocking, sneering, pasty white face, his wide-set teeth small and white as a young pup's. His eyes were hateful as a rattlesnake's; lecherous eyes, debased.

And, as I was saying, I don't there, that's about done for him," he muttered, as he dropped the piece of rock he held right upon the rattlesnake's head, crushing it, and then taking hold of the tail, and drawing the reptile out to its full length "as I was a-saying, Master Bart, I don't like killing things as arn't good to eat; but if you'll put all the rattlesnakes' heads together ready for me, I'll drop stones on 'em till they're quite dead."

And now he broke off short in his sneering reproof, as his eyes chanced upon Gavin half way down the stairs. For a second or more no one spoke or moved. Claire and her brother had an absurdly shamefaced appearance of two bad children caught in mischief by a stern and much feared teacher. Into the black depths of the stranger's eyes flickered a sudden glint like that of a striking rattlesnake's.

His master gazed sharply at him, as if trying to detect a covert sneer it would have been safer to have stroked a rattlesnake's crest than to have trifled with Livingstone just then but Willis's face was as innocent of any expression as a dead wall. "Put it down, and go on with your packing; you have no time to spare." The man laid the case on a marble table near, and went out.

He next stood erect and looked keenly across the pool, and apparently at the very spot where the boy lay hiding. "What a face!" muttered Jack; "I never saw one so ugly, with those daubs of paint; and his eyes shine just like that rattlesnake's we killed. It can't be he sees me," added the youth in alarm, as he cowered still lower; "one would think he could look through a stone."