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As for the climate, temperature, and size of Alaska, you and Tim know as much as we do," said Roswell, who disliked as much as his cousin to seem to display his knowledge. "Why not be modest," gravely asked Tim, "and say that ye knows almost as much as Mr. McCabe, leaving Mr. Graham out of the quistion, be the token that he knows nothing at all, and I'm afeard will niver larn?"

"I weesh I knew what happened to the men," worried Deschaillon in his filed-down accent. "My quistion ixactly, Frinchy," nodded Hogan emphatically. "Misther Madden says 'Piffle, but Oi say where are they piffled to? Did they go over in a storm, or die of fever, or run crazy with heat?" "They didn't starve," declared Mulcher, "for some of th' fellows are in th' cook's galley now eatin'."

"'Fore God, that's the only sensible word I ever heard on my side of the quistion in all me life. And to think that it should come from the mouth of a man wearing such a Go-to-Hell coat!" Jimmy shoved the milk pail in front of the stranger. "In the name of humanity, impty yourself of that," he said. "Fill me pail with the stuff and let me take it home to Mary.

"Well, ye see," said the foreman, "the prisint incoombent has been mixin' too much red wid his paint, an' it don't wurrk." "You mean he drinks?" asked Dennis with humorous inquiry. "Oi do," replied the foreman; "an' now that we have inthroduced th' subject, excuse a personal quistion: Do ye wet yure whistle in business hours?" "No," answered Dennis promptly, "nor out of them.

"Was he elicted?" asked Finn, scornfully. "I believe not," began Thaddeus. "But " "Thot's me answer to your quistion, sorr," said Finn, with dignity. "He'd 'a' had lamps befoor his house now, sorr, if he hadn't been gay wid his front dure." "Oh he was gay with his front door, was he?" asked Perkins. "He was thot, an' not ony too careful uv his windy-shades," replied Finn.

"It's all the same, and a part of the show," laughed Terry, "as the wife of the bear-keeper obsarved when the bear ate him up, and it's how are ye, and how do ye ixpect to be, and what have ye to say for yersilf, and why are ye so long answerin' me quistion?" Deerfoot simply smiled, and made no reply until Terry had replaced his cap, and was done with his noisy greeting.