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Quinlan's, Guy sat in the window-seat at dusk, impatiently awaiting the appearance of a slender, well-known figure. The rain, which had set in early in the afternoon, had turned to sleet, and as the darkness deepened, the rays from a solitary street lamp gleamed sharply upon the pavement as upon an unbroken sheet of ice.

"And it's a bloody nose ye'll have, too," as he drove his left with deadly precision on Quinlan's olfactory organ, staggering that amazed youth, who, nothing daunted, ran into a series of jabs and swings that completely dazed him and forced him to clinch to save further damage. But the fighting blood of O'Connell was up.

At the time appointed they sat in darkness in the body of the projection room Lobel, Quinlan, Geltfin and Appel, these four and none other behind a door locked and barred. Promptly on Quinlan's order the operator in the box behind them started his machine and the accomplished rough draft of the great masterpiece leaped into being and actuality upon the lit square toward which they faced.

Guy glanced at him in sudden, swift comprehension. "Why, look here, sir, I believe you knew that Emily and her father were the two mysterious boarders at Mrs. Quinlan's, all the time! You said it was significant that you hadn't been able to trace the number of the taxicab in which they had run away from the neighborhood!

One afternoon in the early November twilight, as Morrow was returning to his own door after shadowing Brunell on an aimless and chilly walk, he saw the kitten lying curled up just outside its own gate, and an inspiration sprang to his ingenious mind. He seated himself upon the steps of Mrs. Quinlan's front porch and waited until the darkness had deepened sufficiently to cloak his nefarious scheme.

Lynch spoke in a labored whisper; his eyes were glazing. "Yuh thinks I'm loco. I ain't. It's gospel truth. Yuh find Quinlan, the the witness. No, Quinlan's dead. It's it's Kaylor. Kaylor got got What was I sayin'." He plucked feebly at his chap-belt. "I know. Kaylor got a clean thousand for for swearin' the signature was Stratton's. Yuh find Kaylor. Hardenberg ... thumbscrew ... the truth...."

Quinlan's humdrum existence, and seldom did she have an exciting incident to relate and an eager audience to hang upon her words. She sat down ponderously and prepared to make the most of the present occasion.

There never was a taxicab in all Illington which couldn't be traced by its number! You knew, of course, that that story of Mrs. Quinlan's was a fake, and then when I told you of the two concealed people there, you had it all doped out! Oh, why didn't you tell me?" "Because I didn't want you to precipitate matters just then, Guy," the detective responded, kindly.

Quinlan's got that parsimony peculiar to all landladies and I trod on its tail, and it was all up!" "Morrow, are you a driveling idiot, or an operative? Are you reporting, or exploding? If you called me up to tell me that you trod on the tail of your landlady's parsimony, you don't need a job in a detective bureau; you need a lunacy commission!"

The spot where it is embedded in the wall is very little higher than the hole in the window pane." "And Mrs. Quinlan's, where you board, is directly opposite?" "Yes. It's the only house on the other side of the street for fifty feet or more on either side." "Then you'd better look out for trouble, Guy.