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"Pri'thee," said De la Roche, drawing aside the curtain of his tent, and putting forth his head "pri'thee, my Lord Hastings, deign to instruct my ignorance of a court which I would fain know well, and let me weet whether the splendour of your king, far exceeding what I was taught to look for, is derived from his revenue as sovereign of England, or chief of the House of York?"

"Pri'thee," said De la Roche, drawing aside the curtain of his tent, and putting forth his head "pri'thee, my Lord Hastings, deign to instruct my ignorance of a court which I would fain know well, and let me weet whether the splendour of your king, far exceeding what I was taught to look for, is derived from his revenue as sovereign of England, or chief of the House of York?"

To yonder bookstall, pri'thee, go, And by the "missing" prints and plates And frontispieces you shall know He lives, and "extra-illustrates"! In justice to the Judge and to myself I should say that neither of us wholly approves the sentiment which the poem I have quoted implies.

p. 278 shatterhead. The Countess of Winchilsea, Miscellany Poems , 'Pri'thee shatter-headed Fop'. p. 278 Craffey. Craffy is the foolish son of the Podesta in Crowne's City Politicks . He is described as 'an impudent, amorous, pragmatical fop, that pretends to wit and poetry. He is engaged in writing Husbai an answer to Absalom and Achitophel. p. 278 whiffling. Fickle; unsteady; uncertain.

At last old Porson asked: "Pri'thee, sir, whence comes that quotation?" "From Sophocles," quoth the vain fellow. "Be so kind as to find it for me?" asked Porson, producing a copy of Sophocles from his pocket. Then the coxcomb, not at all abashed, said that he meant not Sophocles, but Euripides.