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It should be remarked, that all three were mounted Alexis and Ivan upon stout, active ponies, of that race for which the Pyrenees, especially the western section of them, are celebrated. Pouchskin's mount was not of the genus equus, nor yet an asinus, but a hybrid of both genera, in short, a mule.

The boys did not know all this for they could only just see the top of Pouchskin's head, with his long arms holding the gun but they could hear the rushing noise of the water, and Pouchskin reported the rest. It did not appear so easy to extricate him from his unpleasant predicament; for the resemblance between his situation, and that of jack-in-the-box, went no further.

Of course Pouchskin's was the post of danger; but that was to be expected. They stood a good while in silence. No signs of Bruin neither by sight nor hearing. It was then resolved that some stir should be made a noise of any kind, that might bring the beast forth. They coughed and talked loudly, but all to no purpose. They shouted at length with like fruitless result Bruin would not stir!

He was admonished to do this by certain noises that, now and then, came rumbling out of the cave; and not very certain that he was in perfect safety, he had been under some apprehension. The bear, by throwing all his weight against the reduced mass of ice, might break his way out; and as by the constant chiselling the wall grew weaker and thinner, Pouchskin's fears increased in proportion.

He was some six paces from the aperture. On the right side Ivan had been placed, while Alexis had passed on, and now stood upon the left. The three formed a sort of isosceles triangle, of which Pouchskin was the apex, and the line of the bank the base. A perpendicular dropped from the muzzle of Pouchskin's gun would have entered the aperture of the cave.

This magic document proved all-powerful everywhere they went; and as they knew it would be so in all corners of the habitable globe, they could rely upon it with perfect confidence. Pouchskin's leathers bag was always well weighted with the yellow metal, and specie, whatever stamp it may bear, is current all over the world. Their journal merely mentions the route followed.

Of course the muleteers, on perceiving Pouchskin's dilemma, had rushed instantaneously to the rescue; and with loud cries and cracking of their whips as muleteers alone can crack them were endeavouring to beat off the assailants.

With this idea, Pouchskin seized his axe, knocked the great icicle into "smithereens," and was about going to work upon the huge stalagmite that blocked up the entrance, when he was interrupted by the Quan. "With your leave, master!" said the latter, as he laid his hand upon Pouchskin's arm to restrain him. "Not so fast, if you please?"

They spared no pains, therefore, in removing it from the carcass; and after the work was finished, it was neatly folded up, tied with the rope, and placed like a knapsack on Pouchskin's shoulders.

Alexis also made it out at the first glance; and it was the comic twinkle of Pouchskin's eyes denoting that no great damage had happened to him that led Alexis to join his brother in the laughter.